19: It's A Warning

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"How did you know him??" I can't help myself but to ask her, even though I know that I don't have the rights to do so. Well fuck it, cause I am going to ask her even if I don't have any rights to do so. Emily let out a sighs, glancing at me with her 'Really?' look.

Out of many people in the world, why is it that Shawn fucking O'Brien had to be the one that she knew? Damn it.

"That is none of your business.." She says while walking towards the camp. And there she is, still feisty as ever. I just let out a little chuckles, following her from behind.

Just as we walk together, both of us are surprise by a sudden explosion sound near the UNV camp. What the hell?? Emily almost fell down to the ground due to the effect of the explosion.

Seeing her on her knees to the ground, with both of her hands covering her ears, I know that she's scared, and in shocks.

I hold her in my arm, trying to keep her close to me. "Are you okay???"

"Jay! I think it's a C4! Inside the truck! I'm afraid there's more!!" Damon yell at me, and then he runs towards the explosion with a few soldier following him from behind.

"What?? A C4???" Emily says, while gasping with her big round eyes looking at my face.

If 'Omerta' is behind of this explosion, then there is more explosion for sure. No wonder Ho suddenly shows up at this camp. They must've set the C4 while I was busy talking with Ho.

Emily try to stand up, pushing me slowly from her. Just as I want to help her who look like she couldn't even barely to stand right now, another sound of explosion shocks the both of us again.

"Oh god!!" She screams.

I immediately grab her waist, taking her into my arm. At this rate, keeping her right beside of me is the only option.

Emily stay still on my arm without even making a sound. What I can hear is just her breath, she is totally scared. Only god knows if that old man put another C4 around this camp. Damn it!

"Snoopy!!" I yell towards Bradley who's trying to follow Damon from behind. He run towards me as soon as he sees me.

"Emily, I need you to stay with Bradley okay??" I hold both of her shoulders.

"He's also in the Special Forces units.. I can't stay with you right now.. You'll be safe with him..." I say, and at the same time holding her to stand up. She looks pale.

"Emily? You stay with him okay?" I add again, which this time she nods at me. I hold her pale face for a seconds, before I look at Bradley.

"Snoopy, take Dr. Marshall to the camp.. And after that, I want you and Red to secure the perimeter at the camp.. Do you copy??"

"Yes cap.. copy.." He reply. Just as he want to takes Emily with him, I hold his shoulder.

"Keep her safe okay? I'm counting on you.." I say, right to his ear.

"Don't worry cap.. I will.." Bradley say, trying to assure me. Yeah you better do so. I just nods at him before running towards the place where the explosion just happen.

Today will be such a long day.



All of the people in the UNV camp is gathered together in one place. Even though they still not sure whether there were bombs or not, to make sure that the the camp is safe, all of the peacekeeper, and few soldiers from the military base are currently checking the area.

"I am starting to regret my decision to volunteer.." Erica says.

"Yeah me too.." Shanon reply, changing look with Erica. Deborah just sighs watching the two of them.

As for me, I am still in shocks due to what that just happened. The sound of the explosion is still fresh on my mind. How could this happen? Only god knows how many more explosion that we have to face during our one month stay in here.

"Are you sure you're okay??" Sophia's voice bring me back to the reality. Dr. Lee also glance at me for a seconds after what Sophia just ask.

"Yeah I'm fine..." I reply, smiling. I am the leader of this medical team, so I have to be strong. Strong enough to act that that I am strong.

"You were near the truck when it exploded.. It must've shocked you. Even we at the camp could heard the sound of the explosion so clearly.." Dr. Finn says while looking at me.

"Are you sure you're okay Dr. Marshall?? Your face look pale though.." Deborah add.

"Guys, I'm really okay.. Don't worry about me.. For now, let just pray that there were no more bombs inside the camp area.." I says while smiling at them.

"Yeah hope so.." Sophia reply. All of us is looking towards the soldiers that are still checking the area. My eyes stop at Jayden's direction that is currently talking with Shawn not too far from us.



"We've checked the perimeter and there was nothing..." Shawn says.

"There was nothing at all.. I think the C4 in the truck was the last one.." He add.

"It's a warning..." I say to myself. It got to be a warning. He knows...

"A warning?? What do you mean??"

Shawn's voice wake me up. Deep down, I want to tell him that I have received a secret mission to end General Ho's black market activities. But I can't. This is confidential, even for him.


He let out a little scoffs hearing my answer. "Really Jay?? Nothing?? That's all you've got??"

I look at him, and that is when I finally got it. Fuck.. He must've received the same mission as I do. It would be weird if I am doing this mission on my own. This must be the reason why Shawn came to Afghanistan.

He let out a sarcastic laugh watching my expression. That dumbass... He knows that I knows now. "You wouldn't possibly think that I came here all the way from Iraq just because I missed you won't you.."

"Nope.. Just wondering why the General pick you out of many talented soldier in the US army.." I reply sarcastically at him.

"I could say the same to you.. Well, nice to meet you to partner..."

Partner. Yupp. Even though I hated it, I must accept that this Shawn fucking O'Brien is my partner on this mission.

"So, back to the topic.. What do you mean by it's a warning?? Have you already did something that would've pissed Ho as much as he would put a C4 at the UNV camp??"

I let out a big sighs, with my eyes set on Emily's direction that is currently looking at me. "I think I did..."

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