33: Being His Weakness

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U.S Military Base,
Bagram Airfield (BAF),
Parwan Province, Afghanistan.

Jayden stand there, all tense up while anxiously waiting for the next order. It's been exactly 2 hours since Emily is being taken. Only god knows what they did to her. Only by thinking about it make Jayden feels like crap.

Emily's face came into his mind over and over again. He remember the last time he saw that face today. How much he regretted it. If only he listen to what she want to say, and had he stay with her, maybe all of this will not happened.

God please, wherever she is, keep her safe... He thought to himself, praying in silent for a hundred times today.

Lt. General Scotts Arnold are currently talking with the secretary of the U.S national security.

Shawn are also currently standing beside Jayden, also patiently waiting for the next order. He glances for a seconds towards Jayden. He must be worried sick about Emily right now.. He thought to himself.

"Captain Walker,"

"Yes Sir!"

"I know that, calling Ho's brother was risky. But I need to do that in order to catch 'the mole' that Ho had planted here in the base.."

"Who was it?" Jayden asks, clenches his fist.

"It was Jasker."

Both Jayden, and Shawn are in shocks. Jaskier was with them today, at the Dara village. "Jasker??" Jayden asks, unable to accept that people like Jasker will turn his back on his own country.

"I've been suspecting him for quite a long time already. But today, he take the bait that I prepared for him. When I pretend to called Ho's brother, it was only me, and him at the room. This is the prove.." Lt. General Arnold take out a small devices that look like a recorder from his drawer.

"He doesn't realise that this thing is on him for a few days now.. He was talking with one of Ho's man, telling him that the U.S army had called Ho's brother. I gave an order to locked him up as soon as I found out that he made that call."

"But why Dr. Marshall?? Is there any specific reason why they choose to took her instead of someone from the UN??" Shawn asks.

"Jasker not only make contact with Ho about his brother. In fact, before that, Jasker had informed Ho about your weaknesses.." The Lt. General Arnold reply, looking at Jayden.

"His weakness??" Shawn change his look to Jayden, still not getting what Lt. General Arnold meant by that.

"Yes O'Brien. His weakness.." Lt. General Arnold point out to Jayden's direction.

"Dr. Marshall turns out to be Captain Walker weakness.. That is what Jaskier told them." He add, with a sighs.

Then when it comes to Jayden. Jasker must've heard his conversation with Emily at the Dara village. Fuck.. He thought to himself.

"I'm going to kill that bastard ." Jayden says, ready to walk out from the tent, to look for Jasker.

"Walker. Stop." Hearing Lt. General Arnold's voice stop Jayden from doing so.

"They offered him quite a big sum of money.. Can't really blame him though.." Lt. General Arnold add, with a deep sighs.

"That son of a bitch." Jayden says, under his breath.

"Where is he now sir? We need to make him speak about Ho's hideout." Shawn says.

"I've already know where. The Omerta is in Nangarhar province. Captain Walker, you, O'Brien, and the rest of the Special Forces units is officially in charge of this mission.. Do you understand???"

"Yes Sir!" Jayden reply.

"But remember this, all of you are instructed to bring Ho to us, ALIVE. Do you both copy??"

"YES SIR!!!" Both Jayden, and Shawn reply.


Deh Rawood Town,
Uruzgan Privince,

Emily is currently being tied to the chair, with a black tap, covering her mouth. She struggles to let herself free, by trying to move towards the door along with the chair.

"Still not giving up are you?" A voice says, opening the door, laughing at her. He walks towards her, and uncover her mouth from the black tap.

"HELP!!!!!" Emily yell, as soon as he take the tap. That man laugh really hard seeing her effort.

"No one is going to help you pretty.. You're in Omerta's hideout place. You're wasting your energy.." He says, still laughing.

Emily watch him in horror, shivering looking around the room. There is a table in front of her, that full with all sorts of weapon like guns, and knifes. All of its is well organised like it has been set up for her.

"What do you want??" She asks. Her voice is barely like a whispers, watching that man that is currently standing in front of her, touching all those weapons.

"Are you sure you want to know what I want pretty??" The man reply, with his evil smirks.

"Don't come near me." She warns him. But that man is getting close to her, step by steps.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" Emily yell, while trying to free her tied hands. Her wrist is full with bruises all over it, from the rope.

Seeing Emily's struggles, and the look of terrified in her face, make that man laugh again, hard. He enjoys seeing her like that.

"Shh..." He says, putting his hand on Emily's mouth. "Be quiet." He add. If Samuel find out that he is playing with her, or even worst if Ho found out about this, they will surely beat the shit out of him.

When he informed Samuel that he had taken Emily from the UNV camp as his sign of loyalty to the Omerta group, the order that is given to him is don't do anything until Ho arrives. But what kind of man would he be, if he can't have a taste of this beauty that is already serves to him in a plate.

When the 'mole' that Ho has planted inside the U.S army could not reached Ho, that 'mole' contacted him instead. Knowing the fact that Jayden had been giving Ho a hard time by digging up about his past, he decided to did the job done for Ho.

Jayden's weakness is a gift from him, to Ho. But it was already about 4 hours since they have taken her, and there is no sign of Ho at all. He know the fact that Ho is meeting with that Kaif's leader. So thinking that maybe Ho will be late, are giving him an idea to enjoy his time while waiting for them.

He look at Emily with his eyes, that full of lust. Seeing her chest went up and down due to her hard breathing is turning him on. His eyes are looking down at her chest. Her white skin can be seen. Emily is wearing a white sleeve shirt, with a button right now.

"I promise that I'll be quick pretty.. A quick, yet hard one with you.." He says, smirking at her, putting back the tap to cover her mouth. Emily eyes is full with tears, still not giving up to free herself.

Seeing Emily is moving like a mad women trying to free herself from the rope that is currently on her wrist over, and over again, even though it is hurting her, the man decides to give her something that will shut her down.

Her eyes becomes wide, seeing the man take out a syringe from his pocket.

No no no!!! She screams in her mind. It only took that man a seconds, injecting the fluid into her necks.

Hopeless. She want to scream, but she can't. And even if she does, no one is going to help her. After a few seconds, she is slowly losing her energy even to move herself. He must have given her some drugs to stop her from fighting.

At that moment, Jayden's name is the only one that came across her mind.

Jayden.. She says in her mind, like a chants, with her teary eyes watching the man in front of her is getting ready,

Taking off his pants...

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