36: Another Deaths

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The UNV Camp,
Qalai Naeem Village,
Kabul Province, Afghanistan.

"How is she??" Jayden asks, looking at Dr. Sophia.

"She should be waking up any minutes now. But don't worry, she's okay.. Let just wait for the 'anesthesia' effect to wear off from her body." She reply.

Jayden has been staying with Emily for almost an hour already, not even leaving her side even for a seconds. He hold her hand, kissing it so softly. Dr. Sophia is smiling in silence, watching how much he care for Emily from behind of them.

"Let's give them some space alone." Dr. Finn says to Dr. Sophia, whispering. Which she just reply with a nods, and a little smile. Both of them went back to assists all the injured patients in another tents.

Seeing a small movement that Emily make with her fingers make Jayden stand from his seat. "Emily.." He says, under his breath. Emily let out a little grunts. Her head is spinning, she tries to open her eyes slowly.

"Hey there sleepy head.." Jayden add, almost like whispering to Emily's ear, with his hand touching her face softly. Jayden tuck a few strands of Emily's hair to the back. He look at her round eyes so deeply.

Emily look at him back, in silence. The fact that Jayden is standing right in front of her eyes make her feels safe. It only took her a seconds to remember back what just happened. Suddenly, Emily burst out crying so hard in front of him.

All that had happened still terrifies her, and it really break Jayden to see her like that.

"Shh...You're safe now.." Jayden says to her, moving to seat on the bed, with her.

"That man almost--" Emily can't even finish her sentence.

"He--" She add, gasping with both of her hands covering her mouth. Watching Emily like that make Jayden to take her under his embrace. Emily keep in sobbing so hard.

"Shhh...." Jayden says, with her hand wiping her tears that went through Emily's cheeks.

"It's okay. You're safe now.." Jayden add. He keep on saying that for so many times now, trying to comforts her.

His embrace feels so warm, and safe. With Jayden by her side, calming, and comforting her over and over again, it only took about a few minutes until Emily slowly closing her eyes, fall asleep under his arm.

Realizing that she fall asleep, Jayden move slowly from the bed, putting Emily's head slowly on the pillow. He kisses her forehead for a few times before he stand up from the bed, and cover her body with the blanket.

"I love you.." He says under his breath.

"Fuckin in love with you that it kills me.." He add, almost like a whispering.

He stares at her so deeply. Looking at her peaceful face. He gives a one more kiss on her forehead before he leave the tent, with his face, looking so intense.

Now that he had make sure that Emily is okay, Ho better prepare himself. Jayden has already decided that he will not tell Emily the fact that Ho is her father. It is better that way, because he will kill Ho with his own hand.

Little did Jayden knew, nothing in this world could remain as a secret. Nothing...

He leaves Emily, waking to the outside of the tent. Amanda who's been waiting for him at the outside, call his name.

"Jayden.." Amanda says, that make Jayden to turn his head looking at her.

"Is she okay??" She add, asking him. Her face looks concern. Jayden let out a little sighs before replying to her.

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