06: Not An Option

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Buffalo, New York City,
ECMC Hospital.

"Jayden??" Emily can't believe that he is right in front of her eyes right now. Jayden is walking towards her. God, my face must've look so awful right now.. Emily thought to herself.

"Don't look at me like that.." She say after Jayden sit beside of her, and keep staring on her face. Jayden just smile at her. "Like what??" He ask, calm, and still smiling at her.

"Like you're going to ask me a question which I don't want to answer.." Emily reply back, while looking at in front of her. The wind is blowing some of her short hairs. She tie her hair in a messy bun which leave some of her hair untie like that. Jayden stare at her in silent. Admiring her beauty.

"And what question does you think I'm gonna ask??"

"Jayden...." Emily sigh. She try to tuck away her hair behind her ears that just blow by the wind. "Don't..Just don't..." She say again while sighing.

"Okay then. I will not ask you.." Jayden say, while joining her looking away at the scenery that's in front of them. Jayden's reply make Emily staring at him in her curios face.

"That easy huh??" She ask, which make Jayden chuckles a little. Jayden know that she is still not ready to open up to him yet. And he will not make her to. One thing for sure is, he will never force her doing something that she don't want to.

"I never knew that Captain Jayden Walker is that easy to give up.." She add again, with her amuse face.

"Should I just ask then??" He try to tease her. They are both looking at each other in silent right now. And then, they laugh together after that. Emily shake her head while laughing, and Jayden laugh with his eyes lock on her. God..I must've been mad..

Emily thought to herself. She don't know how, but this man in front of her really got a big impact on her. Having him by her side make her feel safe, and happy. There is something about him. Something that could make her feel. A feeling that she never felt before...


U.S Military Base,
Bagram Airfield (BAF),
Parwan Province, Afghanistan..

"Sir, we just found two dead bodies at the Kabul River. It's the UN workers.."

"Two?? Only two?? I was informed that there are three of them.." Lt. General Scott Arnold who has been chosen as the commander of U.S forces in Afghanistan reply.

"No sir. We just found two bodies. Our intel in Kabul province said that the biggest terrorist gang in Afghanistan maybe are involve in this matter. Our soldiers from the Delta forces are currently waiting for your command sir!!"

The soldier say to the Lt. General. Elite Army in the U.S can be divided into a few units. Special Forces, and Delta Forces is at the top of that Elite Army list. The Lt. General look like he is currently thinking of something.

Omerta.. He thought to himself. If it is true that the Omerta is involve in this matter, then he must take an action. After all, this is involving the UN workers. The fact that two of them is already found dead, could already be consider as a big failure. They need to rescue that one UN worker before it's too late.

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