22: A Glimpse Of Truth

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"No it's okay." She let out a few chuckles. I know very damn well that she's trying hard to hide her feelings right now. Watching her struggle to hide what she really feels is breaking me. Fuck!

"Emily, No. You're not okay. And I want you to know, that it's okay not to be okay.. For fuck sakes, please... Please don't push yourself..."

"Oh god, how many times should I tell you that I am okay.. It's totally fine.. I can't even hardly remember her face already.." She says. But this time, laughing.

I watch her in silence. Did she lost her mom during that time.. That time when we're together, and I am not by her side? Damn it.

"Emily, I'm so..."

"Jayden, for god sakes, I am okay.." She cut me off, chuckling.

And that's it. I lost it. Seeing her like that drive me fuckin mad.

"Stop it Emily!!" I yell at her. It's fucking hard for me to see her pretending like it's okay. I can't.

"Stop pretending to be okay when you're not.. Just fucking stop it.. At least not in front of me.. Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to see you acting like this??"

Emily look at me with her wide eyes. The fact that I am shouting at her right now must've shocks her.

"Damn it." I hit the steering wheel with both of my hands. I take a very deep breath before talking to her, trying to control myself.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't meant to yell at you.."

She suddenly open the door, and getting out from the car while saying, "I can't do this.." She says with her frustrated tone. I also join her, getting out from the truck.

"Emily!!" Standing just right beside the car, I shout out for her.

"Emily Marshall!!!" Again. But that stubborn girl is ignoring me, she just keep on walking away. At this rate, I bet she's planning going back to the camp by walking.

"Damn it!!" I yell in frustration before I run to get her.

"Where are you're going??!!" I grab her wrist.

"LET ME GO!!" She yell, glaring at me.

"Never." I sternly reply back at her.

"What do you want from me Jayden?! Do you want me to cry in front of you?? Told you how much I missed her??!! How much it hurt me??!! Is that what you want? Huhh? Tell me!!!!!" She screams at me. Her teary eyes is glaring at me.

FUCK. I am really bad at this whole 'talk' thing.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't yell at you just now.. So please, get back in the truck and we'll talk about it at the camp. Okay??" I look at her big round eyes, so deeply. Seeing her on the edge of crying fucking make me angry. I am cursing myself right now.

"What more do you want to know?? Isn't it enough to see me like this?? What could you possibly wanna talk about again??!!" She reply, that make me let out a little sighs. I run my hand on my face in frustration.

Damn it!!

"Listen," Just as I want to talk, she cut me off.

"Just STOP IT!!" She screams. "Stop acting like you care. Don't you get it?? I am done with your shit!"

Okay. This is getting out of control. And what she just said, really make me feel like a fuckin asshole.

"DAMN IT EMILY!! I DO CARE ABOUT YOU!!! I AM FUCKING CARE ABOUT YOU!!!!" I yell back at her. She stand there in silence, and I could see a few tear drops from her eyes, even though she wipe it so fast, afraid that I might sees her crying.

I take a very deep breath. "For now, let's just get back to the camp.. Okay?" I say to her softly, while looking into her eyes. But Emily, being Emily. Her stubbornes is killing me.

"Emily, you either get in the truck, or we could just use option number two where I'll just carry you on my back into that truck.. Choose."

She look at me with her unbelievable expression. Cute.. I thought to myself. To be able to think of that even under this situation really make me realize that I am fucking whipped for this woman.

"So?? What would it gonna be Dr. Marshall??" I add. Without even waiting for a seconds, she walk towards the truck unwillingly. Stomping her feet at the road. I just follow her from behind, controlling my chuckles.


When we arrives, Emily storm out from the truck without even saying anything to me. I watch her walking towards the medical tent from my seat.

"Huhh.." I let out a big sighs, with my eyes glue on her from behind. She's driven me crazy. Totally. Just as I want to open the door, the envelope that Lt. General Arnold Scoots gave to me, catch my attention.

"Let's see then.." I say to myself.

I open the envelope, reading Ho's background. What shocks me the most is that Ho is an ex-military of US army from Special Forces.

"Well, what a surprise..." I say to myself, with my eyes is still focusing reading that damn paper about Ho. My eyes become wide after reading his real name.

Howard Marshall. He's a Marshall??

What the fuck?? No it can't be. Maybe all of this is just a coincidence. But I can't help myself but to think that Ho and Emily is somehow connected.

No.. No.. It can't be.. I keep telling myself that for many times already. They're not. It can't be. Damn it.

I take a very deep breath. Okay Jayden.. Be calm.. There are a lot of people who's not even a family, but share the same last name. But still, something about this make me feels uneasy.

I keep on reading Ho's family background. It is stated there that Ho had a wife, and that he lost her during a riot. What I read next is so fucking shocking that I almost yell in frustration inside the truck.

Ho's daughter is adopted by his own brother, Robert Marshall. And his daughter name is,

Emily Marshall.


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