40: The Marshall Reunion

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The Kaif's Hideout,
Nangarhar Province.

"Drop your gun, Rafael." Ho says, with his eyes glancing at Emily's direction. Rafael burst out laughing.

"Cut her loose now O'Brien. " Ho says to Shawn. Just as Shawn bent down a little to cut the rope around Emily's hand, a sound of a clicking gun stops him. Shawn turn his head to see three man are currently pointing their guns towards Ho. Emily gasps upon witnessing the scene in front of her. Three of Rafael's man is currently pointing their guns towards Ho, with Ho on the other hand is pointing his guns at Rafael, while Rafael is still standing facing her and Shawn also with a gun pointing at them. Rafael burst out laughing hard.

"You didn't see that coming huh O'Brien??" He asks sarcastically at Shawn.

"Ho, you better drop your gun now or that head of yours will burst out into pieces in front of your daughter here.. You wouldn't want to see that won't you little one??" Rafael looks at Emily.

Looking at Shawn's face upon hearing Rafael's statement, Emily could already guess that Shawn also had already knew the fact that she is Ho's daughter. Shawn who seems to understand that look on Emily's face let out a sighs.

"We did it for your sake.." He whispers, holding her shoulder. Emily looks at him with her wide eyes. Just as Emily want to say something back to Shawn, Rafael's voice stops her.

"Drop it Ho!!" Rafael screams, bring both Emily and Shawn to their current situation right now.

"Or maybe I just shoot this pretty little head of this daughter of yours first.." Rafael add, threatening Ho by using Emily's lives.

Shawn turn his head slowly, changing look with Ho. He's worried if Ho did not want to comply with Rafael. Right now, Ho's every action will going to determine Emily's life. And Shawn is not sure if Ho give a fuck about Emily. Much to Shawn's surprise, Ho drop his guns to the floor slowly that makes Rafael to let out a chuckles. Emily just sit there in silence, trembling in fear. She'd never imagine that her reunion with her father would end up like this, and for sure never ever she imagines that her biological father would be the head of a terrorist group.

Rafael immediately tells his man to bent Ho down on his knees, with both of his hands on his head. Ho grunts while looking at Rafael with his murderous look. They did the same to Shawn, positioning them behind the walls, in front of Emily's chair.

"Well well well... Who would've thought that the almighty General Ho of the Omerta is kneeling right in front of me..." Rafael says, chuckling.

"Let her go Rafael.. You already got me, so just set her free." Ho says, looking at Emily. Now that he sees her again, her face really look like her late mother. He looks at her, a very long look. Emily also look at him with her teary eyes. The fact that he is a terrorist that had killed many innocent lives still could't stop the heartache inside of her every time her father look at her that way. She could sense the guilt inside of her father just by looking at his face.

"Not that easy Ho..." Rafael says, standing at the window, looking at the chaos that is currently still happening at the outside.

"You know what Ho, you're lucky.. All of your mans are still so determine fighting for you there.. " He add, still looking at the battle between his man and the Omerta. They could still hears the sound of the gunfire, and people yelling, and screaming. The fight is not over yet.

"Oh just you wait Rafael.. That, that was nothing.." Shawn looks at Rafael, not blinking.

"The real fight will begin when the U.S Army came." He add, with a smirks on his face.

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