38: This is War

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The UNV Camp,
Qalai Naeem Village,
Kabul Province.

Dr. Finn, along with the rest of the medical team, and Damon went inside the tent, follows by Bradley, and Cooper. Dr. Philip, Dr. Julien, and Shanon, break into tears watching Dr. Sophia's pale body.

Deborah, Genevie, and Erica also burst out crying seeing the image in front of them. Deborah walk towards Cole, getting near Dr. Sophia's body.

How could this happened.. Deborah thought to herself. The image of Dr. Sophia's smiling, and laughing is playing inside of her mind.

Dr. Philip take a step towards Jayden, follows by Dr. Finn. They both look at Jayden, who is currently standing beside Dr. Lee's body.

"Is he-" Dr. Finn can't even finish what he want to asks when he sees Jayden just stand there in silence, with his head down. Dr. Lee is also dead.

Both Dr. Lee, and Dr. Sophia was stabbed for over and over again until their last breath. There is nothing that they could do. No one knew how all of this could happened, and no one had any clue at all about Emily whereabouts. Jayden looks furious.

"How in the hell did they got through the damn gate!!" He yells in frustration. He just got Emily back for fuck sake. And now, he lost her again.

"Damn it!!!" He add, punching the bed that was used by Emily today. The image of her is playing inside his mind for over and over again.

"I shouldn't had leave... If only I was-- Fuck!!!" He yells in frustration.

"Chill the fuck out man. At least we know that she is alive. They've taken her, and it means that they need her. Take it easy okay? You need to calm down.." Damon says to Jayden who looks like he will lose control any minutes now.

"Calm down?? How the fuck should I do that? Two people just fuckin died Damon! Only god knows what they're gonna do to her out there, and you tell me to calm down??!"

"We'll figure it out man, together." Cooper says, with a little tap on Jayden's shoulder.

Erica, who had just been standing there not too far from Dr. Sophia's body, tries to take a step towards her. Step by step, slowly until she is near the body.

"Oh my god... Dr. Sophia--" Erica sobs, she could not look at the horrifying images of the dead bodies. Especially when the dead bodies is the people that she knew for years. She can't handle all of that.

"Oh god.." She sobs, with a gasp. Shanon hold her hand. Deep down, Shanon also want to cry her heart out right now. But seeing Erica like that, she can't help herself but to act strong. Erica is the youngest nurses among the volunteer from the ECMC Hospital.  

"Erica.."  Shanon says, as she is trying to get her outside the tent. Jayden, Damon, and both Cooper and Bradley stand there in silence. Damon let out a deep sighs. They are not supposed to witnessed all of this. This is a difficult time for all of the medical team.

Clearly witnessing their friend's dead bodies is not what they sign up for when joining this UNV programme. Four of the soldiers from the UN went inside the tent, with two stretcher with them, for the bodies.

"Let's leave it to them okay.." Shanon says with her red eyes, as she take Erica with her. Genevie is currently with Deborah, besides Dr. Sophia's body. The UN soldiers stood there, awkwardly. None of them dare to tells Cole to get away from Dr. Sophia's body. He look miserable. Damon who seems to understand that awkward look from the UN soldiers take a step towards them.

"Bradley, Cooper, help them with the bodies.." Damon says to the both of them. He take a place to sit beside Cole.

"Cole..." Damon says, touching Cole's shoulder a little. Even though Cole and Dr. Sophia knew each other for a short time, Damon knew that Dr. Sophia's death is affecting Cole. He used to jokes around with her, a lot.

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