11: Falling Apart

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Buffalo, New York City,
ECMC Hospital.

Three days later...

The ER is just like it always be. Always busy, and in chaos. Two patient who've involve in an accident come to the ER this morning. "Dr. Sophia, you take that patient, and I'll handle this." Emily say to Dr. Sophia in a rush, while pushing the stretcher into one of the room in the ER.

"Okay, at the count of three. One, two, three.." Emily say, trying to put the patient from the stretcher, into the bed.

One doctor who is currently doing his residency here on ECMC are there with Emily, along with another two nurses. "Dr. Marshall, he's in cardiac arrest!" Emily take the defibrillator in a rush, as soon as one of the nurses say that.

"150 joule, charge. Clear.."

Emily chest went up and down, breathing hard. Oh come on..Please don't die on me..Please don't.. She thought to herself.

"Shoot!!" Emily practically just yell, with both of her hands is holding the defibrillator on top of the patient's chest. Seeing that there is no sign of the patient vital signs, Emily take a very deep breath before continuing to bring that patient back.

"200 joule, charge.." Emily yell again. The nurse immediately charge the defibrillator at 200 after that.


"His heartbeat has returned.." Dr. Stefan say, the one who's currently doing his residency.

Emily then take a very deep breath. She thought that she's already lose the patient. Thank god she didn't. After the patient's heartbeat has returned, Emily, and the rest of them that is currently in the room continue to check on that man, and giving him the treatment that he should get.


She is doing a little stretching in her office room. Her back shoulders is hurting a little. Just as she grab her mug of coffee, suddenly Elizebeth come into her room.

"Well well well..Look who've I found. The mighty Dr. Emily Marshall who's been missing this past few days.." She say that, while taking a sit in front of Emily.

"Could you believe, that it is so hard to even say a good morning to you even though we work at the same place Emily?? You should be taking some days off, and yet here you are almost 24/7 hours keeping yourself occupied in the ER!" She say, while looking at Emily.

Just right after Mrs. Marshall funeral, Emily get back to work like nothing happened. She even working herself so hard in the ER. Even though the head of ER department had told her to take a leave for a few days, Emily refused to. She is keeping herself busy in order to forget all the things that had happened to her.

"For goodness sakes Emily, are you alright?? You're made all of us worried by acting like this.." She add.

"Acting like what actually??" Emily ask her back. Elizebeth look at her in disbelief.

"Like nothing happened! Like nothing ever hurt you!! Like you were some kind of machine who can't feel anything!"

"What do you expect then Lizzie?? Do you want me to cry while locking myself in the room? Staying in my apartment remembering the fact that I just lost my mom??? Is that what you want??!!"

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