02: It's Now Or Never

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Buffalo, New York City,
ECMC Hospital..

Being in charge into the Emergency Room (ER) Department, Emily does have a lot of work to do. And even though tonight is not her shift in the ER, she still come after sending Elizebeth home. Unlike her, Elizebeth is on the General Surgeon (GS) Department, so when it's come to compare how busy these two best friend are, Emily's job in the ER is a lot more busier than Elizebeth's.

"How's the hit and run patient that came in today??" Emily ask one of her colleagues, Dr. Sophia that is currently stitching the wound on that one patient that look like she have a small cut on her finger. Emily give her a smile, before looking at Sophia.

"Ohh don't worry Dr. Marshall, we've already take an x-ray of his chest, and there's nothing to worry about. He just got a minor broken leg on his left, that maybe will cause him to have a little difficulties to walk for about one or two weeks, but there's nothing serious.." Emily just nods at her while she explain about the patient.

"And what do we got here??" Emily then change her focus to look at the patient that is currently with Sophia right now. Sophia just chuckles while letting the patient explain herself.

"I was planning to cook some chicken curry for dinner, and got a cut while slicing the chicken with a knife.." The patient say, and let out a big sigh watching her finger being stitch.

"Is it going to leave a scar??" She add with her anxious face. Both Emily and Sophia can't help themselves but to let out a little chuckles.

"Don't worry, this is just a small cut you got right here.." Sophia reply while still chuckling a little. The patient look relieve after what Sophia tell her.

"By the way, where's your name tag??" She suddenly ask Emily, because she is currently wearing her white coat without even putting her name tag. Emily gasp a little after she realize that she's not wearing her tag.

"Oh god, thank god you notice. I don't know what would happen if Professor Kim is the one that see me!!" She then check her pocket in a rush. Sophia just shakes her head while smiling a little, and keep her focus on treating the patient's wound.

Professor Kim is the vice director of the ECMC Hospital. And he is known for being damn strict. And the thing that he hated the most, is when the doctors at ECMC are not wearing their tag while in the hospital.

"Maybe I left it in my purse!!" Emily almost yell in the ER, thank god she cover her mouth using her hand. Without even talking to Sophia, she walk in a rush to the locker room. She immediately search for the tag as soon as she open her locker, but what shocks her the most is, her tag is nowhere to be found in her purse.

"Arghh..where the hell did I put the damn tag.." She is talking to herself, while thinking where could she possibly keep her tag. Her mind is trying to remember all the places that she had went for today and suddenly she remember something about that time where she almost fall down to the floor while trying to stop Elizebeth.

"Oh god...I'm dead..." She sigh while hitting her forehead slightly.

"Jayden..." She say, almost like whispering to herself with a gasp.


Bottoms Up Night Club,
Buffalo, New York..

"So are you guys telling me that you were late because Jay was so busy chasing a brunette??" Jayden's friend ask as soon as their cocktails is serve. Even though the music at the night club is too loud, Jayden still could hear his friends laughing hard at him.

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