27: I Am Nothing

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Dara Village,

"Hmm, to be accurate, it was actually his heart." Cole reply, smiling at Emily before he run to follow Jayden.

"Jay!! Wait!!!" Cole yell, while running.

Emily just stand there in silence watching the two of them from behind, without having any clue at all.

"Let's go.. Julien need us.." Dr. Sophia says, taking Emily by her arm. Emily just let herself being drag by Dr. Sophia willingly.

"I'll see you later okay.." Emily manage to says towards Shawn. Shawn just give her a weak nods.

The three of them, including Dr. Sophia was actually inside the tent, before the explosion happened. But thanks to a call from one of the UN nurses, asking for help about a man that need an immediate treatment, Emily and Shawn run to the scene immediately as soon as they heard about it.

All that Shawn did for this past few hours was running, and running again. He can't even manage to say a word to Emily, too busy catching his breath.

And as for Dr. Sophia, the medicine really did save her this time. If only she had stayed inside the tent, she wouldn't be alive right now.

"You look like shit you know.." Jasker, one of the soldier that Shawn knows from the base says.

"Yeah, try putting that on your shoulder while running.." Shawn reply sarcastically while pointing towards the injured man that Dr. Lee are currently treating.

That man is indeed quite big. Jasker just laugh a little upon Shawn's reply, while giving him a bottle of a mineral water.

"Don't take a long time O'Brien. We still has a lot of work to do." He says, before leaving the tent.

"Is he going to survives??" Shawn asks, changing his look at Dr. Lee.

"He will." Dr. Lee reply, shortly. His eyes is focus, while treating the man.

"I hope so. Well then, good luck doctor.." Shawn say, before running towards the soldiers that the base has sent to check on the village perimeter. Just in case if there is any C4, or god knows what type of explosives that Omerta might had put on this village.


It's already been exactly 5 hours already. Many of the nurses from the UN is currently seating at the grass in a group, resting. A few of the UN peacekeepers are also resting not too far away from them.

Thankfully, all of them has done their job. Even though they lost many of innocent lives today, Jayden feel proud of them all. The UN nurses, the peacekeepers, the soldier from the base, and the medical team. They all have done a great job in handling this chaos.

Just as Jayden is walking towards the tent where they keep all the wounded villagers, Jayden stop his steps when he sees that white van.

"Damn it..." He sighs.

That white van with a Cable News Network (CNN) logo on it stop right just in front of Jayden.

Great.. Jayden thought to himself, while watching the driver, the camera man, and Amanda Forbes getting out from the van.

Jayden had actually gave an order to Damon to make sure that no one from the UNV camp come to Dara village, especially the reporters. Even though this is part of their job, but as long as they are staying here in Kabul province, and a part of the UNV camp, their safety, is under Jayden's responsibility.

"What the hell are you doing here??" Jayden says, looking at Amanda.

"What else?? I'm a reporter Jayden. This is a huge story. And I really need to cover this story.."

"No. This place is dangerous. You gotta go back to the camp right now."

"Really Jay? Do you think I will go back to the camp empty handed?? After all the struggle that I had to face running off from Damon??" Amanda laughs a little.

But there is a part of her that are loving this situation. The fact that Jayden want her back at the camp, means that he still care about her.

"Snoopy!" Jayden call for Bradley that were just standing not to far away from them.

Bradley immediately run towards Jayden as soon as he heard Jayden are calling for him. Emily who's currently standing inside the tent, treating one of the wounded soldier are also looking at their directions, due to Jayden's voice.

"What is it?" Bradley asks.

"I need you to escort them back to the camp right now." Jayden's answer make Amanda let out a deep sighs.

"Ughh!! For god sakes, Jayden!!" She yell in frustration. Bradley, and the other two man from the CNN are just standing there in silence, watching Jayden and Amanda.

"Ouch!" The soldier whines a little.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" Emily says, realizing that she's been pressing his wound a bit hard. She's actually in the middle of putting an iodine on his wounded shoulder to avoid any infections. But seeing Amanda that seem to have an arguments with Jayden is kind of disturbing her.

"It's okay.." The soldier reply, chuckling a little.

Watching Jayden, and Amanda standing in front of the van, Cole decides to walk towards them. In fact, out of Jayden's friends here in the army, apart from Damon, Cole is the only one who knows about the history between those two.

Huhhh... Cole thought to himself, walking towards them. Judging by the situation, he know exactly what all of this is about. Amanda, and her work are inseparable.

"Amanda, just go back to the camp okay? Don't make this hard on us. We still got a lot to do in here." Cole says.

"Exactly! I've been telling her for a hundred times already.." Jayden add.

"Seriously Cole? Even you??" Amanda look at Cole with her unbelief face. Cole just stare at her, not even replying. This make Amanda let out a very deep sighs.

"Ughhh!! Okay. Just give me 30 minutes.. Please??" Amanda look at Jayden, begging him using her puppy face.

"Only 30 minutes, and I promise I go back to the camp. Promise!!" She add, trying to convince Jayden. Jayden look at her for a few seconds before he let out a deep sighs.

"20 minutes. 20 minutes and you're gone."

"Oh please for god sakes. 25! 25 minutes and I'm gone! Promise!!" Amanda say, but this time, more closer towards Jayden.

"Do you prefer just 10 minutes then? Huhh?" Jayden reply.

"Okay okay sorry!! 20 minutes! 20 minutes and I'm gone. Jake, let's go!" Amanda take her cameraman by his arm, rushing towards where the UN nurses, and the peacekeepers are gathering right now.

Jayden and Cole change look between of them, with a sighs.

"Huhh..Amanda and her works.." Cole says. Jayden shake his head looking at Amanda getting herself busy interviewing them.

"Yeah. She, and her work.. Well that's Amanda Forbes.." He says, with a little smile on his face.

Little did Jayden knew, Emily is watching all of it. Seeing Jayden looking at Amanda with that little smile on his face, make Emily feels something. Jealousy.

Although she don't want to admit it, she is jealous of her. The fact that those two already knew each other for years, even before Jayden knew Emily,

Make Emily feel that she is nothing compare to Amanda. I'm just a girl whom he knew only for months.. Emily thought to herself.

"Compare to her, I am nothing..."

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