15: Then We're Set

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Hamid Karzai International Airport
Kabul, Afghanistan.

"Dr. Emily Marshall.." She add, and at the same time, Jayden is taking a step towards her.

"Nice to meet you, Dr. Marshall.." Jayden say, that makes both Cole and Damon chuckles a little from behind of him.

Jayden turn his head for a seconds towards Damon and Cole, looking at them, or more like warning them. The fact that both Jayden and Emily is pretending not to know each other is very funny to them both.

"Yeah me too.." Emily reply, almost like whispering to herself.

"I mean us. We're also glad to have a soldier from our own country to take care of our safety.. right guys??" She add, turning her head behind of her to look at her team. All of them let out an awkward laugh over Emily's question.

"Yeah indeed Dr. Marshall.." Dr. Julien say with his awkward smile.

"Ha Ha..Yeah of course we're glad.. very glad actually now that we have soldier from our own country to take care of us.." Genevie also try to act like it is not awkward at all.

Dr. Sophia, Deborah, and Dr. Lee let out a little sighs watching their team.
Totally awkward.. Dr. Sophia thought to herself while changing looks with Emily. Jayden smile a little watching them.

"Don't worry.. you guys are in a good hands.." Damon say, which Cole just nods while looking at the medical team.

"Okay then.. if we are done with the intro, I think it's better if me move now.." Jayden say, smiling at them. He then give a signal towards his men to carry the medical team things into the truck.

Just as Jayden finish his sentence, all of the medical team is moving into the vehicles. Dr. Lee, Dr. Finn, Dr. Julien, and Dr. Philip are getting into the same vehicles, while the other vehicles is pack with Deborah, Genevie, Shanon, Dr. Sophia, and Erica.

"Seriously??" Emily say to Dr. Sophia by standing beside of the UN car that Dr. Sophia is in right now.

"What??" She reply to Emily, with her innocent face.

"See you later at the camp in Kabul okay.." She add, before the two vehicles is leaving the airport.

Emily let out a sighs, with Jayden is still standing beside her, in silent. The other four soldiers including both Damon, and Cole, is loading the medical team's big luggage into the army truck since there are more free space then the UN vehicles.

"Cap, it's all done.." Andrew say to Jayden, which Jayden just nods.

"Let's go.." Jayden say to Emily. He walk towards the army small truck, and he open the door beside of the driver seat. Since it is an army truck, so there is only two available seat which is for the driver, and beside of it. Damon, Cole, Andrew, and Cooper will seat at the back of the truck.

If it only that she could seat with the rest of the soldiers at behind of the truck, maybe she will. But it would be awkward considering that she is the only girls that will join them at the back.

Emily let out a sighs knowing that she don't have a choice but to spent the time heading to the UNV camp alone with Jayden. She walks towards Jayden who is still standing there waiting for her to get into the truck. Jayden is still keeping his blank face when Emily walk past him, inside the car. He close Emily's door, and smile a little while walking to the driver seat.

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