08: Is That You

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Qalai Naeem Village,
Kabul Province, Afghanistan..

"Sir, you might wanna see this.." One of the member of Delta Forces Units hand over the binoculars to Shawn's hand.

"What the hell..." He say, almost like whispering to himself. He's in shock after looking at behind of the target's building.

There are three trucks there. A few man that Shawn assume must be from the group of the terrorist that had kidnapped the UN worker is also can be seen near that truck. All of them is fully arm with their weapons, and is currently loading a few boxes into that truck.

Judging from the look of it, all of them is about to get away from that place any minute now. But why?? He thought to himself. Shawn can't help himself but to think that maybe they already knew that they were coming for them.

Just as Shawn is ready to bring his unit into that building, Jayden's panic voice suddenly stop him. "Calling for both Units!! I repeat, calling for both Units, Over!!!!"

"The building will explode in one minutes. Evacuate A.S.A.P. I repeat, EVACUATE A.S.A.P !!!!"

And then, all of a sudden, a big sound of explosion could be hear all over that village. That building is all over with fire in just a second.


U.S Military Base,
Bagram Airfield (BAF),
Parwan Province, Afghanistan..

"The building was damn empty!!" Shawn practically just yell, while hitting the table inside the tent.

"It was like that they already knew that we were coming for them.." Jayden say. During the explosion of that building, Jayden, Andrew and Bradley managed to get away. Cole, Damon, Cooper, and the Delta Forces units was outside of the building during that incident, so there was no casualty during this mission.

"And the UN worker.. Why bother to keep her alive, just so that they could killed her later??" Damon say. After the building explode, both of the Delta Forces, and the Special Forces units immediately checked that area, and they found the dead body of the UN worker not to far away from the building.

"They must've have someone from the inside. They knew we were coming. That building is full with CBU-87, 89, 97, and a fuckin C-4. It's a trap.." Jayden say again. The fact that the building is empty, and full with bombs make them to think that the terrorist already knew about their rescue operation.

"Figures..." Shawn reply.

"We can't underestimate that terrorist group. If it's true that they really have an insider, we need to eliminate that damn rat A.S.A.P.." Damon say. As Jayden's second in command, Damon is also there to discuss about this matter. There were four of them in the tent right now. Shawn's second in command is also there.

Just as Shawn want to say something, the Lt. General suddenly came in with two soldiers behind of him.

"Attention!!" Jayden immediately say after he see General Arnold Scott, and giving him a salute. Damon, Shawn, and his second in command also did the same.

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