chapter 5

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St Agnes Central hospital was crowded with lots of people both old and young.  Many journalist from different TV station and Radio station were there with their cameras.  They all wanted to capture the event of that day life.  Never in the history had it been recorded that a woman gave birth to quintuplets that is five children at a time.  They were three girls and two boys.  Wonderful combinations.

Somadina could not believe her eyes when these wonderful children were removed from her.  "No wonder the doctor told her that the only way to save her and the babies would be through cesarian operation.  And thank God, the operation was successfull.  Though, it took the doctors some hours before they could finish the operation but the children and their mum were fine.

Somadina lay on her bed she couldn't stop staring at the children.  They were so tiny but they were cute or do I say too beautiful to behold.  She loved them and had sworn to do anything she could to give them a better life. 

"Gosh! I'm starving."  She said within her.  Her mother came in with a bag containing everything she would need for the days they would be in the hospital.  Doctor had told her to go and get her stuff. 

"Mum- - - - -'

"You're awake, how are you my child?  I waited for you for so long to wake up."  She said happily.

"Mum, I called yemi but his phone is switched off.*  she said sadly.

"You don't need to worry, dear.  He will come once he hear the news.  He- - - - -

"The news?"  She asked suprise.

"Yes, the newscasters are here.  More than 50 people are outside.  They want to see the miracle babies.  It was very hard for me to have my way here.  The news casters will soon be here to video you and my grand children."  She said happily.

"But, mum- - - - - -."  She stopped suddenly.  Someone was at the door and the noise outside was coming closer  The knock came again, both mother and daughter exchanged glances and she told her mum to let them in.

Immediately the door was opened,  two medical doctors from St Agnes Central hospital came in followed by the journalists who had come to capture the quintuplets and their mum.  They were all asking the same questions at the same time.

"Madam, tell us, how do you feel to have these children at once?" They all asked.

"I feel great."  She answered weakly.

"Considering the present economy, how do you intend to take care of these babies." They asked again.

"Well, these children were given to me by God Almighty Himself so He will take care of them.  She answered again more weakly.

"And your husband, where is he?" They asked but no comment.  "Madam, please, say something.  Why is your husband not here?" They were all shouting "please, tell us!

"Stop! You promise to come here to capture the babies and their mother not to ask question.  If you are done with what you've come here for, you can leave now!    Can't you see there's no strenght in her yet."   One of the doctor yelled at them.

"We're sorry, doctor.  We will leave but will come back later.  They apologised as they left the ward one after the other.

Talking about the father of  her children, Somadina  wondered why he has not visited them.  Though, he travelled the very day she gave birth to those children for official duty but wether he would be back that day she could not tell.  But he called immediately he got there.  That shows that he got there safely.  She thought of how happy Yemi would be when he find out about the quintuplet.  He was so happy when he was told they were going to have twins.  She knew for sure that her Yemi would certainly love their quintuplet. She similed to herself.  With a great joy in her heart,  she closed her eyes and slept off. 

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