chapter 10

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Somadina, after she had finished her conversation with chief was relieved. She called her workers to make sure they met the demand of the customers. Their answer was so satisfying. So, she decided to rest a bit. She was already on bed when her cell phone started ringing again.

It was her best friend, vera she wanted to know wether she was able to make it to Abuja that day with the children and to know what had happened there. Somadina was happy to tell her friend the type of reception that was given to them. She told her how happy the kids were. And how the president and his vice had spoiled them with so many gifts. She also told her that the president has promised to continue from where the fedral government had stopped.

"Meaning?" Vera asked.

"You know that the FG has been giving some amount of money to each of the children every month for the past years. That was supposed to stop imediately they clock five years but the president says he will continue from where FG had stopped." she told her happily.

"Seriousely? I'm so happy for you. And Yemi, did he know about it?" She asked.

"Forget about that man for now. One thing I know is that money to take care of these kids has never been his problem." She told her friend.

"You're right. But babe I missed a lot. I would have asked the president for a job if I had been there with you." She said sounding serious.

"Vera, I've got to go. I need to rest before the kids wake up bye." She said as she cut the call.

Somadina wanted so much to sleep but she couldn't. Sleep has suddenly eluded her. She lay quietly on her bed her mind woundering about. She thought of Yemi and she cursed the day she met him. She thought of chief Cliford and wandered what kind of man he was. He was not a father to her children neither was he in anyway related to them. He only saw them for the first time in his life last night yet he cared so much for them. She wished chief Cliford is actually her children's father. Given a chance to chose between Yemi and Chief, she would chose Chief but now the deed has been done. They belong to that good for nothing man, Yemi. A man who hated his own children from the day they came into this world. A man who despised his children with passion. A man who hated the day his children were born. How she hate to hear his name. Chief might not be as young as Yemi but his heart was so young. "The two men were so different" she said within her. She wandered wether Yemi if he has been there with her would be able to do what Chief had done for her. A man she hardly knew. She only invited her to stand as a father for her children who desperately wanted to see their dad. She remembered how happy her kids had been knowing that they have a dad. She wandered what would happen when chief stopped coming to see the kids. What kind of lie was she going to tell them. She prayed silently for God to help her find a way to deal with the situation before that time. She was still on this before sleep finally took hold of her.

The children did not bother to wake their mum up when they woke up from sleep and found her sleeping.

"Shiii, come on, we shoildn't wake her." chibueze said. They quietly left the room.

"Who know where daddy has gone to?" chidiogo asked.

"Or has he disappeared again?" Chiamaka asked.

"That can't be true." Chibuike said.

"If daddy disappear, I will never speak to him again." Chisom said as she got up from the chair.

"Where are you going?" They asked her.

"Evening bath." She said and they all got up and followed her.

****** ****** ******

The much awaited day has come. The day they had waited so long for them to introduce their dad to their classmates and their friends has come. It was their birthday as usual their mum had gone to their room to wish them happy birthday when her cell phone started ringing. She picked her phone, it was Chief. "Chief! why is he calling this early." She asked herself before picking his call.

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