chapter 11

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Somadina was not comfortable with the way chief Cliford has been visiting the house anymore.  For the past months after the quintuplet's 5th year birthday, Chief has been a regular visitor in her house.  He would either come in the morning just on time to take the children to school or pick them from school after closing.  Sometimes he paid a visit to them in the evening just to spent quality time with them.  Somadina did not see anything wrong with it until  when her mum demanded to know her relationship with chief and why her grandchildren called him dad.  She became angry and told her mum she didn't want to discuss it.

On that particular day, mrs Amadi had called Somadina to her room and asked her to sit down.  This had been her normal way of behaviour whenever she want to have a heart to heart talk with Somadina. 

"My child, please, what is your relationship with this man that just left here?"  She asked.  Somadina was not expecting such question so she didn't know what to answer her.  She only stared at her mum.  Mrs Amadi continued.

"He was there on my grandchildren 5th year birthday.  He spent a lot of money that day before he left.  And gave the children the most expensive gift.  That day we were all happy.  I thought he did all those things because they were quintuplets.  But his constant visit here shows that there is something more than that.  Tell me, are you having an affair with that old man?"

"Mum please, I dont want to discuss about chief now.  And no!  I am not having an affair with him.  If you can excuse me I want to go to bed now good night."  That night she left her mum's room to her room.  It didn't take her time before she slept because she never saw anything wrong in chief coming around them and her children calling her dad.  As long as her children were happy, she don't mind.

But something happened that got her thinking.  That day chief has taken her out for dinner.  Suddenly they started talking.  She told chief how greatful she was for the help he has been rendering to her and how he has taken it upon himself to make the children happy.   She prayed for him that day that God should reward him mightily.  Chief smiled and answered "amen".  Chief in turn thanked her for accepting him as part of the family.  He thanked her for giving him the chance to partake in taking care of the kids.  "It was a wonderful expirence".  He said.  They had the remaining food in silence.

Days later when he came visiting,  the children as usual gathered arround him.  After he has given them what he bought for them,  one of the quintuplet asked.

"Daddy, why are you not staying here with us?  Chibuike asked.  There was a minute silence because both Somadina and chief were not expecting such question from any of them.  And they have to be very carefully while answering such questions.

"My prince, daddy is not staying here because my office is in town very far from here.  And with the type of traffic jam in town, if I stay here I will not be able to make it to office early."  He lied.

"Daddy is right.  Aunty Easter told us that one can stay in traffic holdup for 45-60 minute."  Chiamaka said.

"But daddy we can move to the town with you."  Chisom said.

" Okay children we have had enough discussion for today.  It's getting late and your daddy has  to leave.

"Goodnight daddy, goodnight mummy."  They said before retiring to their room.

"You have saved the situation for today but what if they continue asking me for this?

"Chief,  I don't know what will happen if they continue asking you to do this.  They're too young to understand anything now.  What are we going to do?"  Somadina asked.  Chief could not say anything.

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