Chapter 12

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Somadina had the worst night of her life. She cried all through the night.  She wished she had never asked Chief to stop coming to see the children. She knew she has made the worst mistake of her life. Life would be so misrable without Chief. What was she going to tell the children. Where would she tell them that the man they called and knew as their father had disappeared to? "She would call and apologise" She said to herself.  "But can chief ever forgive me?  What if Yemi suddenly appear from nowhere and take the children away from us,  What would happen then?  I'm so sure Yemi will give Chief the worst humilation of his life. No! She screamed aloud.

"I won't allow that to happen to such a kind man." She said to herself. That morning she decided to let things be the way it was. She decided to pull herself together and move on with her life. Afterall she has been doing well with the children before chief came into the picture. She quickly got up from the bed and went out to meet the chilldren.

The children were almost ready when she came out.

"I'm sorry I over slept. I will go and fix your lunch." She hurried out of their room to the kitchen. But she forgot to ask them what they would like for lunch so she went back to the room. While she was by the door she overhead one of the children saying except their mummy brought daddy back to the house she will never be mummy's friend again. And another one added that should their mummy come back to ask them what they would have for lumch that non of them would answer her. She was shocked after hearing those words and she went back to the kitchen.

Her children like indomine and fried egg a lot so she decided to cook that for them. Quickly, she set the gas and before the children come out from their room to announce that they were ready to leave, their lunch and breakfast were ready. The breakfast was served and already on the dinning table.

"We're running late mum. You have to come take us to the school." Chisom said.

"I'm here now. Have you taken your breakfast?" She asked.

"We're not hungry." They all said.

"Really? Now, tell me who is going to eat all these delicious food I prepared for you this morning? She asked them. She packaged their lunch and put them inside their respective lunch bag.

"Now hurry go and eat your breakfast before your driver get here." She told them.

"But mummy we are not hungry! Chidiogo said.

"In that case no school today." She said as she left the sitting room.

"Mummy has changed so much. First, she shouted on us when we asked of our daddy's were about last night. And now, she told us not to go to school unless we take our breakfast. Chibiike said.

"Even when she knew we're writting test in school." Chiamaka said.

"I don't think i'm ready to lose 10marks. Common guys let's go and take our breakfast before the driver comes." Chisom said as she hurry to the dinning others following. Somadina was hidding by the door leading to the rooms. She watched as they went to the dinning for their breakfast and she smiled before she left to her room.

The relationship between Somadina and her children was not like before. The children were gradually drifting apart from their mum. She had gone to school by closing time to take them home. She was in school on time as usual so she parked her vehicle at the exact place where she normally packed her car any time she came to pick them from school. She stayed in the car waiting for them to come out. She actually saw them came out of their classroom and she was sure they saw her but they turned back. She waited for them to come out again but didn't see them. So she went to look for them she was suprised to see them in one of the class so relaxed. 

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