chapter 21

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It was Saturday morning.  It was an off day from work.  Somadina set that day aside to be with her children.  It was only when her attention is seriously needed in her factory that she go there on Saturdays and she never spent more than one hour. 

Her children are used to waking up early.  Like every other day they woke up early that morning and since it was not school day they decided to play computer game with their laptop.

Somadina and her friend Vera also woke up early and engaged themselves with gist.  Vera
wanted to have her own business.  According to her she's tired of working for people.  She wanted to be self-employed.  She has been planning to own an audit firm for the past five years.  And she has really saved for it.  Somadina has promised to allow her use one of her office.  All she needed to do is to furnish the office to her taste. 

"Girlfriend, tell me, are you being serious when you told me you're going to allow me use one of your office to start my proposed business?"

"I am serious except you don't want to.  But I will advise you not to reject the offer because getting an office in town is not too easy.  And I promise you, you won't regret it."

"Thank you so much.  In that case I will start working in the office from on Monday. 


"What I mean is that I will renovate the office  - - - -

"That is if it need renovation.  It's a new office.  And I have furnished it for my manager.  But since I am always there in the office, I see no need for a manager for now.   You can have it instead of going out there in search of an office which would not be easy to get.  And if you happen to get one you're going to pay heavily for it." 

"You're indeed a good friend."

"You remember when I started my production, it was from this house and it was just like a child's play.  I was doing it all alone then but today i have so much workers on my payroll."

"You're right."

"Have you gotten a name for your new company?"

"I've got three names.  You will help me choose one.  1)  "D Vee Auditing firm. 2)  Vera & Co Auditing firm.  And - - - -

"O no!  Girlfriend, that's too old fashioned.  Since your name is also Dupe,   How about this "Duvera Auditting firm".

"You're a genius, girlfriend!  That's combination of my two names."

"I know.  Do you like the name?"

"Of course, I do like the name."

"Tell me, you went to see Yemi yesterday?"

"Yes, but you know, after seeing him yesterday I don't think he will be able to leave without you."

"Yemi has been leaving his life for the past six years without me so stop talking nonsense please."

"You will not understand."

"Listen, I don't want you to think that I'm being stubborn.  I can't marry Yemi or any other man for that."


"Because I won't be able to bear children again.  My womb was tied after the birth of the quintuplets."


"Listen, you can take care of Yemi more than I will ever do.  If you don't want him to fall into a wrong hand then marry him."

"Why do you keep on saying this?  Yemi do not love me."

"Forget about love.  He will learn to love you once you're married."

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