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<author's note>

Hey bitches! I decided to try myself in something new, so now you can see what
comes out of it:)

Btw, English is not my native language and I'm not good enough at it, soooo:D I will do my best. This is the first chapter and it is so fucking short, I'm sorry. But still, I hope you will like it. Feel free to text me whatever you want. Love you all!


"Tinley, wake up! You will be late!" I heard my mother's voice and groan in my pillow.

"I'm awake, mom!" I got out of my bed and headed towards the bathroom. Quickly taking off my pajamas, I climbed into the shower. Hot water drops pleasantly relaxed my body.

I literally felt sick because I didn't write an essay for a History class. Let me explain, my friends and I, we are the type of students who always do their homework, don't go to any parties and don't fuck in school bathrooms. And sometimes I really wanna do some shit like that. But my mother will cut my throat if I do something bad. Unlike my dad, he is the most understanding and loving father in the whole world.

It is quite a good idea to spend 20 minutes in the morning to apply a coconut conditioner on my hair, apply vanilla body milk on my body and do a facial scrub. I will sell my soul to the devil to smell like that for the rest of my life.

I got out of the shower wrapping a towel around my body. Entering my room, I saw that the sun had already risen and was shining brightly through the window. I smiled to myself, usually I feel a lot better when it is sunny outside. Rainy weather just makes my a fucking depressive bitch. Speaking of bitches, I heard that someone slammed the door. Let me guess, it's my motherfucking cousin. She is my age and we hate each other a little. I would put her hand in the blender and turn it on with pleasure. She's a little bitch. I rolled my eyes at the thought of her and changed my clothes quickly. I definitely do not want my mom came into the room and saw my tattoo on the ribs, which I hide. If she sees, she will surely break those ribs. Thank you, but I still need them.

I changed into black skinny jeans, black hoodie and a pair of Dr.Martens. Usually I don't put on a lot of makeup, using only blush and lip balm. But today I'm ready 15 minutes faster than usual, so I put on a full makeup that is acceptable for high school. And still I had 20 minutes for breakfast so I decided to take a selfie and upload it on my instagram.

Liked by polly

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Liked by polly.fesher and 137 others

tinley_tin need my bestie next to me

polly.fesher Im here biiiitch

Isaac_Harmon_ you better take your ass to school now

Ok, I'm not late, I like my makeup, I look pretty on this selfie. So, where is the catch? My life can't be kind to me. If now I don't fall on the stairs and break my nose, can I think that finally the Universe has had mercy on me today? I put my phone in my bag and go downstairs. My mom and dad are sitting in the kitchen, probably eating their breakfast. My older brother Tate is still sleeping, lucky motherfucker with flu. Oh, and slut, I mean Sue, my cousin, she is probably on her way to school. Since her parents crashed in a car accident she lives with my family. I loved her parents and I have no idea how such amazing people could rise such a shitty brat.

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