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Today began with the announcement of the cancellation of lessons. Every year on September 3 our school holds a basketball game in memory of Donald Rose. He died three year ago right during the match. Donald had a heart attack in such a young age. By the way, I find it stupid to make a memory evening for a guy who died during a match by organizing a match. Like "Hey, he died right on this floor and he also played basketball!". And he was such a dick. He was 3 years older than me and he tried to fuck me. I was only 14 and what the hell, man? But now he is dead and I even sad a little bit. Eventually he was a human and he deserved to live.

The game will start at 6pm so at 5pm I was ready. I did two braids, natural makeup and painted my nails because I had a lot of free time. Since I was grounded of course. I decided to wear a short turtleneck that shows a tattoo on my ribs. I covered it with my black hoodie, which I will take off as soon as I leave the house. Maybe this is the right time to tell my mother about this tattoo? She couldn't be more pissed off then now. So this little thing won't change thi situation at all. Probably she'll broke my ribs but who cares?

"I need your charger, I lost mine" Sue entered my room in her slutty short dress. Okay, some of my dresses probably more short but even in hijab this whore will be a whore.

"Go ask Tate, I won't give you my charger" I sighed, checking my backpack.

"What the hell is on your ribs?" She asked looking closely. Fuck.

"None of your business" I growled, pushing her out of my bedroom.

"Give me a charger and your blue-haired friend number and I won't tell your parents about this shit" I wish I could just kill this bitch.

"First, we aren't friends. Second, get the fuck out" I pushed her one more time and shut the door.

"Oh, then I should to say to your mother about your pretty girlfriend" She chuckled and I immediately opened the door.

"What the hell are you talking about? She isn't my girlfriend, we are just know each other and that's it" I hissed.

"I don't care, honey. If she is not your girlfriend where is the problem to give me her number or instagram?"

"I don't know her number or instagram. Her name is Billie, if you somehow find her, she is all yours" I rolled my eyes. She is a pain in my ass.

"Okay, I get it, cousin" She smiled "See you later, maybe if you'll help me to became friends with her or fuck her, I'll promise you to keep my mouth shut about your secrets"

"You can't keep your mouth shut" I turned and closed my door "Then how could you suck everyone's dicks"

I took my hoodie, backpack and headed to the front door. I'll better spend time with Polly and Isaac then my shitty cousin. Thanks God I didn't meet my mother on my way. It was such a nice evening: warm wind, bright red sunset and smell of some weed and cotton candy in the air. There was a lot of people near my school. It took me 10 minutes to find my friends, I even bumped in Sue who probably tried to find Billie. It will be fan if they become a thing. But Sue isn't rich so this may be a problem for Eilish. And being honest, Sue are not even pretty. I'm talking as a bisexual.

"I'm so nervous" Isaac sighed. "I have this stupid speach about this man. I didn't even know him"

"Nobody cares, Issy" I rolled my eyes "Half of these people want to go to friday party and other half want to go home and watch Netflix. I'm in the second group"

"Yeah, you are. With parties you already fucked up" Polly chuckled.

"Thanks, I remember" I smiled sarcastically. "I had a menstrual blood on my locker"

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