Halloween party pt. 1

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"No, David, we talked about it and I'm not going to change my decision" My mother said as she put her fork on the table. I crossed my arms and slid down on my chair. Why the hell did they decide to go to have breakfast as early as Billie and I?

"You're ridiculous, Elena" Dad sighed and shook his head. "Today is Halloween, we can't just go home and ruin the holiday for our kids and their friends"

"I'm going to my room right now, packing my bags and getting back home" Billie and I looked at each other and she frowned. I looked at my mother, she was all so serious. She squeezed her lips and looked like a real vixen. She IS a vixen. "My last vacations with you, David. And it is my worst vacations"

"Elena, stop it, at least not in front of our daughter and Billie" Dad put his hand on her wrist, but she pushed it off.

"What are you talking about?" I asked as I sat straight in my chair, my dad looked away, probably trying to find right words. "Mom? Dad?"

"We're getting divorce" I looked at my mother in shock, Billie gasped and my dad sighed loudly.

"Elena, it's wrong place and time to talk about it" I squeezed my fork as my dad tried to calm down my mother.

"Tinley, go pack your bags, we check out in hour" My mother got up and waited for me to do the same.

"No" I mumbled while I looked on the wall. "I'll stay with dad"

"What?" She frowned and I met with her glare. Vixen. "We're moving to grandparent's house today, so you have no choice, Tinley"

"I said I'll stay with my dad. Here and in our house" She gasped and quickly grabbed her room key.

"We'll talk about it later, Tinley" I rolled my eyes, she thought that I would have a tantrum because of their divorce? Huh. I love her, I guess, but I love my dad way more and I wish him the best. I hope he'll find love of his life. "You've changed since you met Billie, but guess what? Her parents are rich and she will have a bright future, no metter how irresponsible and dumb she is but you'll remain uneducated scum"

"Elena, shut up, please" Dad growled. "Sorry, Billie"

"What? You crossed the line!" I gasped. "How can you talk like that right in front of her? You act like a bitch" I almost yelled at her and Billie grabbed my arm.

"It's okay, Tin" She rubbed my arm, got up and looked at my mother. "You're right, my parents are rich and I'll probably have a bright future and also probably I'm irresponsible and dumb, but guess what? I'll never allow myself to offend a person because of the financial situation of his or her parents, mental abilities and everything else. And I have no idea why you don't want me to be friends with your daughter so much" She smiled and I exhaled because I expected a lot of swear words. It's Billie, so you never know when and in front of who she'll use all her "fuck-dick-shit dictionary". And the only one adult who is okay with that is my dad.

"Oh, I lived in this world for a long time and I know what girls like you are like" I rolled my eyes and got up.

"Okay, your opinion was so important for me, but now we're going to our room" I grabbed Billies hand and almost dragged her to the stairs.

I was mad. Like really mad. She is my fucking mom and I already have cool dad, so can I have an ordinary mom? Not a bitch one. Billie mumbled something, but I didn't hear her, I was just mad, angry and pissed off. She allowed herself to say a bullshit right in my face and in Bil's face.

I kicked our door and it opened loudly. I didn't bother myself to take off my sneakers and I flopped down on my bad. The mattress was incredibly soft, I groaned in my pillows as I felt weight on my ass. Billie just sat on me and ate her cupcake, I guess I didn't let her finish her breakfast. Oops.

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