New couple

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"Whiskey and coke, please" I leaned on the bar, smiling at bartender. She was hella kind to all of us and never asked for an ID. I mean Billie has friends here so it wouldn't be a problem anyways but still. 

"One sec, Tin" She smirked, mixing Black Label with coke in her shaker. We spent half of the night together because Billie wasn't drinking since she's driving and she was obsessed with her new friend so I didn't want to look at that show and spent two amazing hours enjoying my cocktails and Rubena's company. She even taught me how to make Margarita at home, not that I'm that much into strong drinks but you never know. "I love talking to you, but I have to go to get more limes" She handed me my drink and I nodded. 

An alcohol liquid burnt my throat but the next moment it gave me really warm feeling in the chest and I relaxed, leaning on the bar. Music was too loud and there was no chance I would hear everything properly the next day. 

"Fake ID, Ramsey?" I turned my head, noticing Mrs. Ponso sitting just next to me with a glass of something that seemed like vodka in her hand. "I thought you're better than that"

"I don't have a fake ID" I shrugged, sipping on my drink. "But I guess we can keep that whole thing as a secret" I turned a little bit so I was facing her. 

"Why would I do that?" Damn. 

I smirked, looking around. It was the weirdest place to meet your teacher. Gay bar in the middle of the party, what a dream. Thanks god I wasn't high because I'm nor tryna be expelled. But she's here and she's drunk too so it's not that bad. I hope. 

"Because we are in the same situation. We are doing things we're not supposed to do. And I'm pretty sure we shouldn't be there in the first place. Right, Mrs. Ponso?" I smiled sarcastically and she just laughed, shaking her head. 

"I can be here. Can you? Doubt it" We clinked glasses. I can't say if I was tipsy or drunk but I wasn't sober for sure. Everything was a little bit spinning and my legs felt too light. "But I know how to keep secrets"

"And why would you do that?" I repeated her words and she smiled, kinda checking me out. It felt really uncomfortable and I fixed my dress because it seemed to be too short for me at that very moment. 

"Where's Eilish?" She changed the topic after a few seconds of silence and just stared at the wall. "I can't believe she let you be by yourself in the place like that one" She seemed to be a little less interested than before but maybe it's just my drunk brain. 

"Um, she's in the vip area" I mumbled as loud as it was possible because of the music. One kissing gay couple just bumped into me and I got distracted by them, smiling at their cute apologies.

"Ramsey" She started and I just noticed that she was really REALLY drunk. "Are you with her because of her money or what?" I frowned, trying to figure out if I heard her right.

"Excuse me?" I sat on the barstool again, sipping on my drink. The song changed and it was something slow and pretty quiet. "Mrs. Ponso, I don't think you can ask me something like that"

"Are you eighteen?" I stopped because her questions were pretty random and it was confusing me. She left her glass on the bar and I played with my fingers, still holding mine. 

"Um, yeah. Why?" I'm not sure if I finished my sentence before Mrs. Ponso got up and her lips on mine was the last thing I cared about. I was in the dress and her hand seemed to be on my ass really quick. It took me less than a few seconds to push her away but I freaked out. 

But furious me wasn't her problem. Billie, who saw that and was on her way to us was her big ass problem. I stepped back, fixing my dress, and my back hit the bar. People there didn't notice that and just kept dancing.

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