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"What the fuck is going on?" I heard Billie's voice as she entered the room and probably stopped near the door because I didn't hear her footsteps anymore. "Oh my god, what happened?" Her voice softened and I turned my head to see her with a blanket in her hands. I guess Jay called her and asked to come here and bring something to put it on almost naked Liv.

"Give me the blanket" I got up and Billie gave me it, looking at me with a question in her eyes. "Thanks" I whispered.

It was really cold so I hurried to wrap that blanket around Liv's body. She was zoned out, looking at the wall and quietly crying. She didn't tell me who raped her or what happened there but the fact that she was raped is enough. I was horrified and mad at the same time because how the fuck it is possible. Some asshole just raped my friend, young girl. Who the fuck are able to do that and just go away. 

"I'll call the police" Jay mumbled, she was still in shock but I was thankful that we all handled it pretty good because Liv wanted help and definitely not three more girls who are going crazy. I nodded and she headed outside.

"Liv, you need to get up, let me help you" I said softly, rubbing her shoulders. She didn't react but leaned on my arms and Billie helped me to get her up. 

It took cops about ten minutes to come to our school. We were waiting them near that bathroom because Liv started crying as soon as we told her that we wanna go to the bleachers. She didn't explain why she's afraid to go somewhere and we didn't try to figure it out because all that we needed at that moment is to wait for cops, ambulance and help Liv as much as we could. 

"What happened in there?" Policewoman asked me when they helped Liv to get in the ambulance. I sighed, looking at Billie and squeezing her hand in mine. We were near her car on the parking lot.

"I don't actually know, she sent me a voice message, she was screaming and asking for help. And I knew that she was supposed to meet her new friend near that building at that time so as soon as I get that message I ran to the bathroom but only Liv was there. Only wearing her top and she said me that some man raped her" I said, all that time squeezing Billie's hand. My dad, Jasmine, Tate, mother and mother's husband came here too because they were on the bleachers. Also it was pretty cold outside and I was freezing. 

"Do you know that new friend? And I need a copy of her voice message" She wrote something in her notebook.

"No, I don't know that girl personally but her name is Atlantis" I surprisingly quickly remembered her name. "That's her message" I handed that woman my phone with Liv's voice message in it. 

"Okay, let me make a copy and I'll give it back" She typed something on her laptop, that was in police car's trunk. 

Billie let go of my hand, heading to her car and opening the passenger door, I frowned but then I noticed that she grabbed a blanket. My dad, Jasmine, Tate, mother and her new husband Robert were right in front of me.

"How are you, honey?" Jasmine asked with a sympathy in her eyes.

"I'm okay" I whispered with a weak smile when Billie wrapped her blanket around my body and hugged me tightly. Of course my mother and Robert acted like something inappropriate happened and, not gonna lie, I don't even care anymore about that disguise in their eyes. It's their dumb opinion and I can do nothing about it. If they are not able to accept the fact that I'm dating a girl it's only their problem and I'm not gonna change something about it. 

"Miss Ramsey, your phone" Policewoman gave me my phone back. "We will call you if we need something, okay?" I nodded. "Okay, I'm gonna go, if you find something out call me too" I nodded again, she smiled and headed to her car. 

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