What kind of relationship?

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Rey sprung off me, her face flushed and sweaty, going to stand in front of Poe, adjusting her clothes as she went.  I stayed sat, pulling my knees up to hide my obvious excitement.  "Oh so now I get it! Of course, no wonder you were so desperate to have him here.  You've just taken fraternising with the enemy to a whole new level!" Poe shouted, his eyes flying between us both, Rey held up her hands, her voice still breathless , "Look, it's not like you think Poe" she began, but he interrupted her, his face red with anger, "I know what I saw Rey, I may not be with someone right now but I know what goes on and I know what you were doing with him" he said gesturing at me, a snarl on his face.  Rey walked closer to him, "We aren't just doing this for fun Poe".  I looked at Rey then confused, wondering what she was going to say next.  Poe did the same, his hands on his hips.  "I, I love him, I love Ben" Rey said quietly, glancing at me as I took the words in.  For a moment Poe looked confused and then he stalked over to where I sat, "What about you? You feel the same?".  I regarded him coldly, not wanting to answer to him but also not wanting to hurt Rey by not admitting it, "I do, I feel the same" I said, my eyes finding Rey's across the room and seeing the relief in them.  Poe shook his head in disbelief then as he walked away from me.  He stood for a moment, his back to us and then he turned slowly "Why Rey? Of all the men in the galaxy you choose this one" he shouted, his hand gesturing at me.  Rey grabbed his arm, "I didn't have a choice in it, the force brought us together, we've seen each other's futures, we belong together".  Poe shook his arm free then, his face like stone, "You had a choice Rey, like Luke Skywalker you could have turned your back on the force, walked away from him.  Rey he's a murderer, he killed his own father for gods sake".  I fixed a steely gaze on Poe as he said that and was satisfied to see him drop his eyes quickly.  "I can't walk away, I feel everything he feels, I'm bound to him. Poe please try to understand" Rey begged, I looked at her as tears began to fall from her eyes.  For a moment Poe said nothing and then he nodded, his eyes on the ground "Just might want to keep your hands off each other in public, you and the monster, not a good look" he hissed, heading out of the door and slamming it behind him.

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