Chapter 1

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-Bruce pov-
I look out the window toward the airport. I should've expected not to see her. I shouldn't have pushed her away. It wasn't right but...I love her too much to lose her. I have to get better to be able to protect her.

"Drink Mr. Wayne?" I look at the steward holding a glass of water and nod "push the button if you need me"

"Thank you Jack" Jack raises an eyebrow "I know my workers be bad if I didn't" he smiles and nods walking away

I take a drink of water and let myself drift off to sleep. Waiting for my first stop for training. China.

-Time skip-
"Mr. Wayne!" I jump and see jack looking at me "We are here sir"

I get up "thank you" I stretch a little "I'll get my stuff and be out"

He nods and walks away. I grab my stuff from inside of the plane when I see a bag is slightly open. I walk over and open it only to see...SELINA?!?!

"Uh hey Bruce" she sits up and looks at her lap "You weren't supposed to pick up your own bags"

"What are you doing here?" I see her cringe and I cringe too at the slight anger in my voice "I..You should've stayed home! It's your home!"

"I-I-I just wanted to be with you" I hear her sniffle and it hurts my heart "I mean we finally started getting closer and...this was stupid you can just have them send me back"

"No" I crouch down and raise her head with my hand "You're staying with me now"

She gives a small smile "where are we?" I help her up and out of the bag "I really didn't think this much through"

I chuckle "China" She looks confused "I'm doing some business for Wayne Enterprise here and some other countries"

She nods "ok" she looks at my suitcases "how long?"

"10 years" I watch her jaw drop "Hey I told you to stay"

"Well I'm here now" I grab a couple of his bags "let's go"

-Selina pov-
10 years?!?! No one knows I'm here what will happen to Gotham? Will there be one when I get back? Will Barbara be ok? I hope the baby is ok.

"You're thinking to loud" I look over at Bruce who's smiling "I'm gonna send you to the hotel I bought"

"Ok" I look at the limo that's ahead "you gonna be there?"

"Uh eventually" I turn and look at him again " I got somethings to do..I may not be back"

"What do you mean?" I drop the bags "you're coming back!"

"I mean it's gonna be far and dangerous" I see his face go completely serious "If something happens you will be sent back"

"This isn't actually Wayne Enterprise Business!" I step toward him "This is about yourself!"

"You weren't supposed to be here" he waves the driver over "take her and the bags I'll be on my way"

I get lead to the car. I fight out of the grasp and run toward Bruce. I have tears running down my face. This can't be the last time I see him. He's my B, my best friend, he's all I got.

"I LOVE YOU DON'T LEAVE ME!" He stops in his tracks "Please..."

He turns and I can see a tear fall "I love you too" he does a hand signal and I'm being picked up "But I have to do this"

"No wait no!" He starts walking to a car away from me "No let me go! LET ME GO!"

I try and fight my way out but it's no use. They are stronger and bigger than me. I get into the vehicle and watch Bruce get driven away. I look ahead and feel a stray tear fall down. I wipe it and rub my nose.

"You have a call"

the driver hands me the phone "Hello?"


"Oh Barbara hey"


"And Lee"

"Hey Kyle I'm not gonna yell but you realize how stupid you are right now?"

"And Gordon" I sigh "anyone else?"

"Is master Bruce okay?"

"Yeah" I try to think of possible excuses he used "He's at a meeting right now and I'm being driven to the hotel"

"Ah yes he has some training in business"

"Selina are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah" I see we are pulling up to a hotel "I gotta go call you later"

I hang up and get out of the vehicle. We take the bags in and go to the room. It's a huge room. I put the last bag in the ground and now am alone. I open one of Bruce's suitcases and see one of my old beanies. Im surprised that's he's kept it so long.

I slowly put out one a his sweaters "Nerd" I wipe a tear that started to fall "You better make it back to me"

I lay down on the bed holding his sweater. I'm holding it like it's all I have left of him. I hope that won't be the case.

Next chapter is gonna be a big time skip. Further the story

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