Chapter 22

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-Jim pov- GCPD roof-
"You think he sees me and that/ why he's not here?" I shake my head no at Harvey "Then why is he running late?"

"He's not I just needed to wrap my head around what to say" I turn and point to the dark area of the roof "He's been over there with Cat and Ivy"

"So you've learned" Batman steps out with the girls "What is this about a mutant Croc?"

"One of our officers lost a partner today" Harvey walks over and shows a picture "They apparently got eaten by the croc under the city in a tunnel"

"I think Joker was talking with someone about that" Ivy look at Batman "Something about never building a sewer base because of a killer Croc"

"Well if that psycho is scared of this guy you know it's gotta be bad" I look at everyone and see Cat looking nervous "Everything ok Catwoman?"

"If there is a killer croc in the sewers who's to say he or she can't be under us right now?" Theres the unasked question "Are we really willing to risk a fight that May be under something like a orphanage or something like the GCPD?"

"I'm not looking to fight down there" I look at Batman with a raised eyebrow "I have a plan to get him out but I'm gonna have to call a...confidant"

"It's a friend of his" Batman glares at Ivy and I try not to laugh "What? it's true!"

"Batman before you go" Harvey looks more nervous then I've ever seen him "I want you to be able to trust me and be able to come to me too...Jim sometimes takes too much on and if I can help you instead of him then maybe we cou~"

"After the croc has been taken care of" Harvey nods and steps back "I've already got my confidant on his way here"

"Well call you if we need back up Gordon" I nod at Cat as they leave "If you own these anything then...well Gotham may fall"

"That's great words of..where did they go?" Harvey starts looking around and shines a light into the dark but nothing is there "They were just there"

"You get used to it" I smirk and shake my head "You get used to it"

-Batman pov-
We go to the meet up point. I stand by the sewer entrance with Ivy and Catwoman. Where are they?

"Sorry we are late" Flash runs to us and stops dropping Arrow "We had a robbery to help stop"

"Let's just get to it" I open the sewers grate "This leads to the main system"

"Cool!" Flash looks at Ivy "Are you single? I have a friend who cou~"

"Don't bat for that team" Ivy goes down the sewer entrance "And even if I did I wouldn't date a friend of yours"

"Worth a shot" Flash hurries down there hole next "WOW! It's so cool down here!"

"I'll leave you to brute up here" Catwoman smirks and looks at me "Don't play hero"

She heads down the home and I look at Arrow. I pull up all security camera feeds near by and turn them off. I undo my cowl and look at him. He takes the hint and takes down his hood and peels off his mask.

"You and Barry have family to get back to after this so don't take any unnecessary risk" Oliver nods and I continue "If things start going south when we lead him out of there...make sure Pamela and Selena make it out...don't come back for me either"

"We work as a team and also as family Bruce" Oliver puts a hand on my shoulder "Also if you go under who am I gonna get my new tech from?"

Oliver smirks but we quickly put our gear back on when there's a rumble beneath us. We drop down and get knocked down by a flying Ivy.

"Ow" I flip her off us and look at her for wounds "I'm fine..but speedy Gonzalez won't be soon"

We quickly run where Ivy get sent from. When we get there we stop in shock. Before us taking punches from Flash is really a 11 feet croc/human hybrid. I look at Arrow and nod. He starts firing electric arrows at him and nets as well.

"Flash follow suit" I dodge a punch and pick up a bleeding Catwoman "Hey, are you ok?"

"Get tail whipped into the wall" She stands up with my help "Wheres Ivy?"

"Right here!" A huge and bulky vine sucker punches Croc staggering him "That's for tossing me!"

"We need him up top" Arrow and flash nod "Left tunnel then rig~"

I get hit into the wall with Catwoman by Croc. We both groan as we fall out of the new divots in the wall. Croc let's out a growl and starts chasing flash as Ivy helps us up. I push my ear com to contact Flash and Arrow.

"Arrow I'm sending you a map of the sewer system" I push some buttons on my wrist "Lead him to the exit at the middle"

"Aye aye captain" I hear growls over his ear piece "Gotta go and focus!"

"We need to meet them there and be ready" I pull out my grapple gun "Let's head back to the entrance...I think they can handle this"

-Arrow pov-
We so can't handle this! I'm running out of arrows to pester big guy and Flash is running low. We are Almost to the destination though...I got it!

"Flash arrow trick 22!" He nods and I take a head start to get into position at the exit and place a small explosive charge and pull out a metal arrow "Come on Flash...lets do this!"

I shoot and a lighting bolt hits it as croc approaches. He blindly stumbles toward the charge and I fall. I detonate the charge and Croc disappears into the dust.

"He only as two things he can do" Flash points at the dust cloud "He either goes up or growls angrily"

"ENOUGH!" I sigh and aim a arrow at his head while Flash gets ready to fight beside me "TIME TO CRUUUUU-AHHHH!"

We watch Croc fly up into the air quickly. We look each other then follow. When we reach the top there's a partially down Croc in the middle of the street being detained by Batman with a grapple.

"Think fast!" The grapple rope starts to come undone and Batman's armor starts tearing "Hurry!"

"Ivy we need extra support! Cat take cheap shots!" They nod and Ivy grows some plants to hold croc while Catwoman claws at him "Flash we only have one shot"

"I know" He takes off behind us and I wait till I hear the word "Go!"

I fire my last arrow at crocs back. I see a blur pass by and then the lighting blast that hits the arrow. It sends a bigger stun through him and soon the croc falls with a heavy thud. We all fall to the ground taking deep breaths. We have to quickly get up and get away when the sirens approach cutting our regroup time short.

Gotta love fighting crime.

-Time skip-Jim pov-GCPD roof-
"They here?" I nod at Harvey "How do you do that?"

"You feel their presence" I turn and the trio from Gotham walk toward us "Thank you for catching Croc"

"We had help and I'll send you thanks to my...compadres?" Ivy shrugs and Batman looks at Harvey "I've disabled all cameras around that could catch this and disabled all electronics but mine"

"Smart thinker" Harvey steps up towards Batman "You don't have to do this if you don't want to"

"I trust you Bullock" Bruce takes off the cowl "Besides it saves explaining stuff if you accidentally go into the batcave during Barbara's birthday"

"Bruce 'the kid' Wayne" Harvey looks at me "Now I understand why you knew him so well"

"Like a brother to me" I walk closer to them "Welcome to a small circle of people who know Harvey"

"Now the big question is the keen know?" We all stay silent "Am I really the last to find out?"

"I don't know if she knows" Bruce puts the cowl back on and I see the red light in our security cameras come back on "But you keep Gotham safe from here and I'll keep Gotham safe from everywhere else"

Bruce grapples away with Selina and Ivy "Hot damn" I look at Harvey smiling "The golden boy of Gotham...anything really can happen"

"Yes it can Harvey" I look back to where the trio disappeared off to "Why I love it so much"

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