Chapter 16

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-Bruce pov-
I walk into my office and sit down in my chair. I look around and notice everything looks normal. I did see the card Joker left earlier today. He gave a few different times. 9:30 A.M., 3:30 P.M., and in a few minutes 7:30 A.M.

I pick up my phone and make a call "Hey S I Uh...I wanna let you know I love you" I see the doorknob jiggling "Please take care of Al for me and just remember that I love you"

I set the phone down and pull out some papers. Gotta look like I'm busy. I see a paper that needs filled out and start doing it. Might as well get some work done too right? The door burst open and thugs point guns at me.

"Ohh you did get my card!" I get pulled out of my chair by a thug and Joker walks up to me "Oh how I love to see your face Brucey boy! You just being a SMILE! Hahahahahahahaha!!!"

I get pushed forwards by the thugs out the door. When we get out I see my receptionist didn't get the message I sent and freeze. She has a smile plastered onto her dead face and tears stained down it too. I get pushed by the thugs again and follow them. I'm lead to a van and driven off.

I'm going to get Oliver back to Dinah. No matter what.

-Barry pov-
We arrive in the batcave and see it's empty. The only silent tension there is from us. We just let Bruce walk into Jokers arms...we just possibly let the bad guy win.

"DAMNIT!" I kick the chair in front of the computer away "We need a plan right now"

"I know Barry" Dinah walks up and puts a hand on my shoulder "But getting angry won't help with that"

"Right now we need to settle down and think" Hal holds up his hand with the ring on it "This shows there's still hope in me that we are still going to find them"

"Hope is going to be hard" I pick up the chair I accidentally knocked over when I kicked it "But I'll try"

"That's all we can do" There's footsteps coming close and we turn to see Selina walking over "Selina nice to see you ag~"

"Which one of you let him go?!" I hold my hand up and she slaps me hard "You lost Bruce! I lost my boyfriend because of you! I thought y-y-you were a hero!"

She starts punching at slapping me while breaking down. I let my tears fall too as she slowly stops hitting me. When she fully stops I pull her into a comfort hug. After a few minutes her breathing evens and I pick her up. I carry her out of the cave and to the biggest room. I think this was Bruce's.

"You are going to get Master Bruce back right?" I turn to the doorway and see Alfred standing there "He wouldn't just leave without believe you could do this"

"Why me?!" I remove my cowl finally "I am just a person who was given super speed! I'm not special! Why me?!"

"Bruce is just a mortal human with technology" Alfred walks closer to me "He is also one of the smartest people I know and if he didn't think you heroes could do this he wouldn't have gone! Now question Barry going to save Bruce or is Flash going to save Bruce?"

I take a deep breath and nod. I'm a person just like Bruce but this gives me a chance to stop stuff happening to the people who can't protect themselves. I can be the hero these people need. I pull my cowl on and run down to the cave.

"A red dot appeared on the screen a few minutes ago" I look at the screen and see the glowing dot "He said he'd do it if he found Oliver and was we go?"

"We go at night" they look at me confused and I point at the location "It's a loading dock that is next to The River Liberty"

"So if we go at night there will be less people around" I nod and Hal steps away from the computer "Looks like we got time to make a plan"

Time skip-Bruce pov-
I get thrown into a cargo box roughly. I get up and run just to get hit by the box door. I hear laughing as they walk away and spit out blood. I push myself up and look around the dimly lit box. Where is this going?

"It's going to China" I look to the far left of the box and see Green Arrow chained "I'm wanted as this you're wanted for some other reason"

"Canary says hello" I see his eyes go wide and I put my hands up in surrender "She came past my office asking if I saw you in Gotham"

"I see" He gets up as much as he can "If she trust you that means I should be wary"

"You could say that I guess" he scoffs and I smirk "Bruce Wayne...has he unmasked you?"

"No" Green nods toward a camera "Says I'm just here for your company till the man gets us both"

"I see" I walk over by him and sit "They'll be here soon"

"They?" I make a lightning symbol and point to my middle right finger "Who are you?"

Gun fire goes off outside and I watch the camera. When it turns off and falls down I pull off my shirt. I left my suit on underneath and flip on my cowl. I hold my hand out to Green and see his eyes wide.

"I'm Batman and that out there is our ticket out" he grabs my hand and I break his chains with a batarang lifting him up "I hit my GPS when we got here seems they finally made a plan"

"How do you fake Bruce going to China" now it's my turn to be confused "I know you wanna fight but you need to desuit and leave as Bruce Wayne"

I pull my cowl off and put my business clothes back on. Arrow pushes the doors open just for the box to move and us to fly all the way to the back. I hit my head off the back and black out.

-Flash pov-
I see the ship take off with the box falling onto it. I whistle to Lantern and point to it. He flys after it and I run to grab Canary. I pick her up and run across the water and up the ship. When I let her go I have to move while she vomits.

"Next time warn me you're gonna do that" she wipes her mouth and Lantern lands in front of us "Anyone on this ship?"

"I'll check" I run around and grab the captain bringing him to where I was "Only this guy"

"Where is this going?" Lantern picks him up "Tell me now!"

"China is all I know!" Lantern tightens his grip "WAIT! WAIT! WAIT! The clown guy said that two guys in the crate would be the last shipping job I ever ha-ha-Hahahahaha!"

The guy starts laughing and crying in Lanterns arms. He lets him go and the guy collapses laughing until he just stops. Canary checks his pulse before standing up.

"He's dead" She looks at us "Let's just get the guys and turn this around"

"No" We turn and see Bruce holding up Oliver bleeding "We are going to China cause I know who is waiting for us"

"Who wants Bruce Wayne and the Green Arrow?" Canary looks at the ground and Oliver and Bruce are just silent "What? Who's in China?"

"The demon head" I look at Oliver confused "A assassin named Ra's al ghul"

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