Chapter 11

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-When Harley gets to the mansion-Harley pov-
I get out of the car and smile and Harvey. He's the third nice guy who's not asking for sex or screaming in terror. Things might actually be changing! I walk through the door and all hope gets squashed....

"YOU'RE THE REAL BITCH?!?!" I jump at the black haired lady screaming at me from out of nowhere "You think Bruce is gonna take your pale white ass over me? You got another thing coming!!"


"Spit out of did the joker turn you retarded?" I cringe and she smirks "What not like me bringing up the Joker?"

"Chill out cat!" A red head walks toward the black hair girl "I will restrain you in anyway possible Selina this girl has obviously gone through some shit"

"Oh so now you feel bad for the joker slut?!" My vision starts to blur from tears and she scoffs "Oh now you're gonna cry? WHY DON'T I GIVE YOU A REASON TO CRY?!"

-Time skip-Bruce pov-
I walk into the mansion and see Harley balling on the floor with Alfred beside her. I turn to my left and see Selina trying to break free from Harvey, Ivy, and plants. What the hell happened? Oh yeah I can ask.

"What the hell happened?" I look at Selina who goes wide eyed "Did you do this?"

"Still sticking up for the slut huh?" She shakes her head "What am I not putting out enough?"

I angrily walk up to her "She was used by Joker and shoved out a damn window luckily Batman caught her!" All fight in Selina leaves and guilt fills her eyes "I bet you didn't even try to learn about her before trying to jump her did you?!"

"No" She's slowly let go and looks at the ground "I'll go get my stuff"

She leaves the room and I sigh "Jim wants you back Harv I got this thanks" he nods then leaves and I walk to Harley crouching down "Are you ok?"

"I'll be fine thanks" She looks at Ivy then leans close to me whispering "Is the red head yours too?"

I chuckle "No just the feisty one" I stand up and look at Al "I gotta go stop her from jumping out a window"

I walk upstairs and to Selinas room. When I walk in she's closing her bag. She starts to unlock the window when I throw a batarang at it. She jumps back and falls off the bed.

"Don't stop me" She's gets up "I did a bad thing and I should leave you to fix them"

"She's forgiving of at least was" I walk up to her and make her look at me "I need a girls hand with this so does Alfred...I still love you Selina"

"I love you too Bruce" She pulls me close and I feel a prick to my neck "That's why this hurts me more then you"

I stumble back as darkness starts to take over. She opens the window and goes to jump on the tree but the bag catches. She falls out and with whatever strength I have left I jump out and catch her falling. All I feel is the impact as I fade.

Sorry this is short didn't have a full idea for and update and promise to make up in the next one!

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