Chapter 7

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-Selina pov- a bit of time passed since last chapter-
I'm sitting on a park bench next to Adult Barbara. We are watching Little babs running around playing with some other kids. We haven't talked since we got here. It's just been silence.

"You don't know how much I want James" I look at Barb and see her just staring ahead "I want to be with him so bad and be a family like we planned...but what if lee is right...what if I'm no good?"

"I'm still here aren't I?" She looks at me and smiles and I put a hand on one of hers "You've got this girl and we got you"

"Thanks" I see her smile fade and confusion cross her face so I turn to see Jim running to us and Harvey getting the kid "We need to get you three to safety now!"

"What's going on?" I look around and finally realize Bruce isn't here so I stop moving "Where's Bruce?"

"Selina please" Jim is trying to grab my arm but I move and he sighs "He got taken by Ivy"

"I'm going after him" Jim shakes his head and is about to speak "You don't know where she is you can watch from afar but I'm going to get him back"

"Damnit Selina" Jim looks at Harvey "Take the girls please I gotta follow her"

Harvey nods then leads both Barbaras away. He follows me to my car and we both stop at the driver side. I give him a glare and he slowly backs away. I smirk and get in and we drive away.

"So where are we going?" I roll my eyes "I need to know"

"Just settle down" I speed down the road "And the kitty save the bat"

-Bruce pov-
I open my eyes and see Pamela looking at me. She's sitting in a chair at the end of the bed I'm tied to. She's just staring at me and has her head tilted. She looks like she's studying me.

"What does Kyle see in you?" She slowly gets up and approaches me "There has to be something"

"Is love a good answer?" She scoffs and puts a hand on my stomach "What are you doing Ivy?"

"Well I've had you once in my possession I could always put you back" She smiles and walks out of my vision "I just wanna know that my favorite kitty is being protected and see what kinda man she's got"

"You can see when I'm done with him!" I look past Ivy and see Gordon with a gun and Selina behind Ivy "Now let him go"

"Oh Selina...Gordon" Ivy slowly walks up to Selina "How are you doing princess?"

"Stop it Ivy"

"Oh he doesn't know?" Ivy walks behind Selina and puts one hand on Selinas stomach and the other on her chest "You haven't told him about us?"

"Selina?" I feel my heart shatter some because Selina isn't exactly pushing Ivy away and looks guilty "Why would you hide something like this from me?"

"Because why spoil the fun right baby?" Ivy kisses Selina on the cheek and smiles "Now I can kill you with her here"

"Not on my watch" Jim cuts me down and I catch myself "We are going Bruce"

"But I got your keys" I look and see Ivy dangling the keys and Selina surprised "So let's lower the gun Gordon or everyone here will be mine"

"Why are you doing this?" Ivy tilts her head "Why are you doing all of this don't play dumb?!"

"Oh Bruce" she slowly walks toward me "I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to have you but you picked my girl and now I want her back"

"Well those days passed" Selina sprints and tackles Ivy flinging the keys "Help!"

I see a vine flying at Selina and I push her. I get grabbed and flung into a wall. I look up and see Jim shooting more vines. I get picked up by someone but not sure who.

"You are so lucky Harvey is gullible" I turn and see Barbara holding a gun "Now let's go"

We run to the exit when a huge wall of plants pop up. We turn toward the closest window but more plants appear. There's no exits left.

"IM MAD NOW!" Ivy is in the air being held up by a vine "I will let you go if she stays or he stays!"

I look at Selina who's looking at me "She means one of us" I look at Gordon "Grab her"

He grabs Selina and I walks up to Ivy. She smiles and opens the exit. I slowly pull out a knife I had in my back pocket. I see Gordon nod as they get to the exit and I nod.

"You see Ivy" I throw the knife at the Vine holding her "I already got a girl" I spring as Gordon shoots the vine

"YOU LITTLE PRICK!" I see a plant wall raising and jump over it just in time "Damnit"

Even though it was faint it still was sad. I can't imagine what it's like being alone and being like her. I'm a man in a bat suit but I have a girl in a cat one. I look at the place that is now covered in plants.

"Bruce!" I turn and get wrapped in a hug before being punched "You dumbass! Why did you do that?! You could've been trapped!"

I smile "First off ow!" She smiles and I put my arm around her "Second off I'm Batman I'd have escaped some way"

With that we all walk away. We have stuff we need to get done before these crazy people start popping up more. I have a city to protect and I'm gonna need to be ready.

-Ivy pov-
I sink down the ground. I hear a slow clap and my body tenses. I thought he'd have left already. Why is he still here?

"You failed to get the playboy" I look and see his smile and a gun "Why don't I show you why you don't fail me?"

He points the gun at one of us thugs. He shots and it shoots a flag. He laughs and so does the thug. In a matter of seconds the flag launches through the thugs head. My eyes go wide as the now dead thugs hits the floor.

"Now" He looks at me and laughs "Don't fail again"

The room fills with laughter until it falls silent. I look at the dead body and then where he was. I frown and get up. I'll get him but it won't be for him. I have my own needs. I'm not scared of him. He's the one who needs to be scared of me.

Poison Ivy

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