Chapter 6

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-Selina pov-
I'm walking around Wayne Manor. I know he's hiding something more. When we went to China there was a day I was at some shops. While walking around I saw him with a...girl from wherever he was.

"Kyle?" I turn and see Bruce behind me "What are you doing?"

"I uh well" I look in my hand and see I have a key I got from his desk "Uhh...trying to find out what you're hiding from me"

"Hiding something from you?" Bruce genuinely looks hurt and confused "I haven't hid anything from you and for you to start blaming me for that"

"I'm sorry" I walk up to him "I just in China I saw you with another girl and I wanted to see if you had her secretly away from me or something"

"Selina that girl was the daughter of..." i watch him stop talking and think "Where did you get that key?"

"Uh" I point at him "Who was the girl?"

"Daughter of someone I trained under we had to get food" he crosses his arms "Your turn"

"Well" I sigh and hand the key to him "I just didn't want to be a secondary love interest"

"I only have one love interest" he walks up to me and wraps his arms around me "Its you"

We go to kiss when "Master Bruce!" We turn and Alfred has Harvey Dent beside him "We have a rather rude guest"

"Sorry butler and I just had to talk to Gotham's Golden Boy who has another pretty lady Im guessing a one night? or multiple she's the one from the gala right?"

"1. His name is Alfred treat him with respect or don't ever come back!" Bruce steps up to Dent "2. This is my girlfriend maybe future Golden Girl of Gotham and respect goes the same to her as Alfred!"

"Jim wants to see you" Harvey steps forward "Don't think I'm scared of you, the Butler, or the prostitute"

Bruce punches Dent hard and he falls. I run up and pull him back. I see him seething and I cant blame him. Bruce walks away to go get ready to see Jim.

"He said respect" I kick Dent in the dick "I deserve respect or you get hurt"

-Time skip- Selina pov-
I walk into GCPD with Bruce and get lead to Jim's office. When we get closer I saw both Barbara's. I smile when I walk up but frown when I stop and see Lee. Little Barb is trying to hide behind Jim and Big Barb. It looks like Lee is yelling.

"Hey!" Bruce steps in and in between them all "You need to back up now!"

"Who are you to tell me to do that?" Lee pokes Bruce in the chest "You don't know what even is going on!"

"I called him here" Jim steps beside Bruce "We have to talk but you came in trying to take Barb from her actual mom!"

"Oh please" Lee rolls her eyes "Like she can take care of a child"

"She took care of me" I smirk "I turned out damn fine"

"A burglar!" Lee points at me "She turned you into a murdering burglar!"

"I want you to say it right in my face" I step closer but Bruce holds me back "Let me go!"

"Get out!" We turn and see Bullock at the door "Now!"

"See you get out of my husb-''

"No I meant you" Bullock points at Lee "Now"

"This isn't over" She storms to the door "I'll make sure that kid is out of your hands!"

"And what if I'm carrying would you take that too?" Everyone in the room freezes "Huh?"

"Anything is better then a baby in a burglars hands"

"Anything huh?" I get in her face "How's the streets sound bitch! Then they will be just like me!"

"Watch who you talk to" Lee scowls "You wouldn't want a doctor mad at you"

"Out!" Jim pushes her out and slams the door "I need a drink"

"Selina are you?" I shake my head no and Bruce nods "Ok then"

"Ok then?" I tilt my head "What does that mean?"

"Well I mean I'd love a family eventually but right now" he sighs "I'm gonna shut up before I get hit"

"Too late" I smack him "Idiot"

"That's a deep trap of no return son" Bullock pulls out a flask and tosses it to Jim "Said you needed a drink"

I look at Jim and Harvey's expressions and see this is serious. I look at Bruce and we just share a look. It's a look telling me he needs privacy for a minute. I know he'll tell me later.

"How about I take the Barbs out for some sunlight and you boys can talk" Little Barbara smiles and runs out the door "Come on"

-Bruce pov-
The girls leave and Harvey locks the door. He pulls out a flask from his boot and sits. Jim rolls his eyes and sits on his desk. They are both shaken by something.

"This joker guy sent a threat" I raise a eyebrow and point to myself "Not to you specifically...It's on Batman to show himself or some random building gets it"

"We think he might target yours again" I look at Harvey then Jim with wide eyes I have to keep up an act "Don't worry we got your back"

"I know you do Harv" I move to a chair and sit down across from Jim who's looking at me "Have you gotten a response from Batman?"

"Nope" Jim gets up and walks to his chair and sits "I plan on that tonight"

"We just wanted to give you a heads up for suspicious activity" I nod and the lockdown alarm goes off "What's going on here?"

A green gas slowly fills up the room. We shove a cabinet in front of the door to block it and open the windows. We barley got out of that one.

"Oh Wayne honey" that sounds like Pamela Ivy "I just wanna talk about my girl hanging out at yours"

"Why the gas?" I hear silence on the other side "Answer"

"Why the open windows?" How would She...oh no "Boo"

I feel a puff of air hit me and something wrap around my ankles. I slowly fall into darkness. The last thing I see is Ivy smiling in front of me.

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