Chapter 8

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-Bruce pov-
I look at a board that shows all the bad guys popping up.


I put my hand on the last one. She's changed for the better but that doesn't mean...that doesn't mean I can take her name off. I trust her and love her but..I just wanna have everything safe and accounted for.

"Hey Bruce" I hear her voice and flip the board and turn "What was that about?"

I look at her confused "What about?" I walk to her and feel for a temp trying to move us out of here "Let's go get you something to eat"

-Jim pov-
I watch as they bring in more Joker thugs. Oddly we've had 20 picked up today. Something is up but what can I do with no evidence. I'll have to call Bruce later.

"Gordy!" I jump and look at Harv "You ok?"

I point to another dead thug "We have found these guys everywhere today" I knit my brows together in confusion and see Harvey doing the same "He's crazy but hey wouldn't be killing all of his men like this"

"He pissed off someone" The morgue door is busted open and a officer is stumbling out of it holding their throat "Hey you ok?"

"Gas..came...out...breathe!" The officer collapses and gas starts leaving her mouth "Run"

"EVERYONE OUT NOW!!" All of the officers start going to emergency exits but can't open them "WINDOWS!"

We bust through and run out. I look at Harvey and he nods. This was either a very elaborate Joker trap or Ivy is involved. I'm hoping it's the former not the latter.

"Well this makes finding you easier" I look at Barb who's smiling "We still on for our date tonight?"

"Yeah we ar~" I see Ivy down the way holding a gun "Drop the gun Ivy!"

She laughs "You have nothing all of you guns are inside" she laughs again "I need some information and I'm getting I~"

A shot rings out and I see her grab her stomach. I look at a rookie cop who's shaking and holding a gun. He looks like he's about to...yeah he just vomited.

"Pamela!" I run over to her and apply pressure and see no one doing anything as Harvey try's to find a phone "SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE OR GIVE HARV YOUR PHONE!!!"

"Why?" I look at the rookie who shot "She tried killing all of us and did kill some now you want to save her?!"

Before I can say anything Harvey grabs him "Listen up here mother fucker!" He points at me and Pamela "We are putting her in jail alive if we can help it cause she can help us alive not dead as much as she should be!"

"Maybe you two aren't fit for this!" I look at Barb and get her to apply pressure while I walk toward the rookie "This is Gotham and I grew up seeing the destruction they brought with them!"

I push the guy down "I'll take your badge later" I grab the phone that fell out and call an ambulance "Outside GCPD NOW!"

-Bruce pov-
I'm walking around the manor when I hear a crash. I run to my office and see the criminal board. I see Selena has broken her name and below off. I see the fire in her eyes when she turns.

"You still put me on there?!" She walks toward me "Do you not trust me? Am I not able to be forgiven in your eyes?!"

"I need to put all on there" I grab the piece from her "I wasn't finished writing stuff down before you came in ear~"

"Miss Kyle" We both look at Alfred who is giving his 'bad news' look "I just got called by the hospital and...Pamela has you as emergency contacts and called you"

"What did they say?" Alfred looks at the ground "Al?"

He puts a loving hand on her shoulder "She was shot in the stomach after attacking GCPD by a rookie" he sighs "They say she'll be fine but nothing is know about what's going to happen"

I watch the realization set in for Selina "Oh God" tears start to fall down "She can't die on me"

"Alfred please go get the car ready" he nods and leaves as I turn to Selina "You gonna be fine?"

"Yeah" she grabs my hand "Lets go please"

-Hospital- Selina POV-
We get to the hospital and see Jim arguing. When we get closer I hear the other voice. I growl and feel Bruce look at me. I grab his arm and drag him along.

"THAT MAN NEEDS OUT OF HERE NOW!" Leslie is pointing at Jim with Security all around and Harvey is on the other side ready to fight "THIS IS MY HOSPITAL NOW GO!"

"Actually" Bruce pulls out his phone and texts someone "It's mine now"

I can't help but laugh when her face drops "N-Now Bruce let's not be hasty here" I see the fear in her eyes growing "We can talk this through"

"I'm not firing you" I see her relax "I'm having you moved to another area of the hospital"

Security walks away and Jim's just smiling. Leslie lets a tear fall and I feel...guilty? She's destroying this mans life but...she's a woman that was in love. I know the feeling all too well.

"No you're staying here" I look at Bruce "what's yours is mine right?"

"Fine it's up for discussion" I glare at him and he smirks "Now where is Pamela?"

"5 doors down" Leslie looks at me "Thank you"

With that we head to the room. We stop at the door and I take a deep breath. I walk in and stop when I see the IV setup. It's not clear it's green.

"Chlorophyll" Ivy looks at me "I'm plant remember"

I walk up closer "Why did you do all of that?" She looks away "Ivy please as a sister to sister"

I takes a moment but she looks at me "I was working with~"

The hospital gets filled with laughter "This is now a code Joker" more laughter pours in "Ivy my sweet traitorous plant I'm coming!"

I look at Bruce, Jim, and Harvey. Bruce looks at the window and must be thinking of a plan. I have that confirmed when a chair gets thrown through it. But bullets shoot it out of the sky.

"He has thugs on ground level" He's talking in a deeper tone and that can only mean one thing "We're trapped"

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