Chapter 10

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-Jim pov-
I slide a coffee over to the doctor who has a blanket wrapped around her. She looks so miserable broken. This isn't ok. I have a broken girl in my office, a bullet whole in me, a office that's missing glass, and officers at odds. I thought Gotham could get better.

"Are you ok?" I look at Harley who's holding the cup "I know I'm a lot to handle and I have a tendency to...go extreme sometimes but I'm a psychiatrist and some of us do that from time to time"

I scrunch my brows together in confusion "What are you doing there if you're a psychiatrist?" I look over all the files from patients "The psych ward got taken out years ago"

"I was there to talk to the owner" She frowns and just moves the cup around in her hands "But the ownership got bought and now I'm without a job again"

"Where did you work before?" My computer is busted and I can't pull up her damn records "If you don't mind me seemed to kinda know Joker"

All her movements have stopped "Arkham" I feel my eyes go wide as she smiles "I was over Joker when he came in but well...details"

"That doesn't make me feel any better" She's fully looking at me with a smile on her face..that's when I see white where a tear as fallen "He got to you didn't he?"

"Said I was special" more tears come and her white face starts to show "I was gonna become his right hand lady! Harley Quinn!!!...then he shoved me out a window..I almost died that day but Batman saved me and...I owe him big time so I wanna change back"

The smile is her way to hide. She really was in love with him and he threw her away. Great so now we have Ivy, Harley, and Catwoman. I'm not liking our odds or Jokers.

"I can get you the owner of the hospital" I pull out my phone and message Bruce "He'll be here soon"


-Selina pov-
"Just use the damn ice pack!!!" I'm walking behind Pamela and Bruce carrying ice packs for both of them "You will feel better"

"Fuck you kitty cat" I look over at Bruce to challenge him "Whipped pup"

"I'm not whipped" Bruce grabs a ice pack and puts it on his shoulder "Just smart"

Pam scoffs "Same difference Playboy" she looks at me for a minute then sighs "Fine"

I smile as she takes the ice pack and puts it on her head. We sit in the study in silence. No one knows how to start this off. I like Bruce, Bruce likes me, Pam likes Bruce and me, and Bruce better be only looking at me. This kitty doesn't play sloppy seconds.

"I think it's best you two ta~" Bruce's phone goes off and pulls it out "Gotta go Jim has Harls in there"

"What another stray?!" I can't help but growl it out "Why are you already on nicknames with her too?!"

Bruce grabs his keys "It's nothing Selina" he starts waking away and I grab his arm stopping him "You don't know anything about this girl so don't"

He rips his arm away and walk out the door. I'm left standing where he left me shocked and confused. Why was he so mad? Why was he so protective of this girl? He's not been back that long so how does he know her?

-Bruce pov-
I run into Jim's office and see Harley in the front chair. I don't know whats gonna come out of this. He just told me I needed to get here quick. I close the door behind me and walk to the other chair and sit down. Harley doesn't even look my way.

"Harley meet Bruce Wayne" she finally slowly looks at me "You guys met at the hospital and he's also the new owner of the hospital"

"Nice to meet you" She quickly turns her head completely away "Can we have this meeting in a little bit? I have some makeup I need to fix"

"To cover the toxin?" Harleys head spins back around quick toward me "It's the same as the jokers doesn't mean you are him...I have been threatened by the bat to not hurt you if you came to me he must be keeping tabs"

A genuine smile makes a way on her face "He saved me from a relationship issue" it was more you being thrown out a window "I'm glad to hear he still believes in me"

"Hey Jim I got the comp-WHOA!" Harley turns away from Harvey and hides her face "Sorry I didn't mean to sound rude mam just caught me off guard you went from Caucasian to past Irish pale"

"Joker will do that to you" She sounds so broken "I better go you have a mirror I can use?"

"Yes at the manor" I feel everyone look at me confused "Until you get up on your feet you can stay there we have the space"

"Harvey discreetly get her to the manor please" Harvey nods and helps hide Harley like Jim said leaving for my house "You seem to be running low on space now...if you need to send someone my way Bruce"

I look at Jim and smile "I'll let you know" I look around the office for the first time "Everything doesn't look too bad compared to what was reported"

"Yeah damn media" we both laugh "You need to be careful with the theatrics or someone might start piecing it all together"

"Will do" we both stand up and I extend out my hand which he looks at confused "Partnership between GCPD and Wayne Enterprise so you guys can get the upgrades you need"

A smile spreads across Jim's face "Thank you Bruce" we shake hands and walk to the door "You have grown up so much from that kid in the alley grown up better then I could've ever imagined"

"Thanks Jim" I feel my phone go off but ignore it and put a hand on his shoulder "Hearing that from you means a lot"

-Alfred pov-
I sigh as I put the phone down. I look on as Selina is held back by Ivy and Harley is held back/being consoled by Harvey. Oh master Bruce I don't question you much but this...this may just be your craziest idea yet.

Not without you {Selina/Bruce} (Gotham) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now