Chapter 26: War part 4

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-Batman pov-
"There's too many!" I throw my last batarang at the closest Parademon and let Superman take out the other "Green and Wonder have to get back"

"We can handle them" Superman takes down three before getting punched back by one "Ok yeah we need back up fast"

"Fast back up here!" A red and yellow blur zooms past and takes some Parademons down before stopping "Hey Batman!"

"Why are you here Flash?" I grapple one of the flying Parademons and guide him into crashing into others "You shouldn't be here!"

"And you should?" He walks up to me "You have some who cares about you too Bruce don't forget that"

"Don't moral me when I'm moralizing you" Flash smirks and I point to Superman "That's Superman he's"

"Wow you must have already made a impression to get ally!" Flash sticks his hand out to Superman "That's the closest thing he says to friend"

"I knew we were friends!" I growl and then quickly push Flash out of the way of Parademons "Alright no more chattering! We have Parademons to deal with"

"Look like you need back up" Green Lantern lands next to us with Wonder Woman and a green alien with a leather straps making a X "This is our friend J'onn or Martian Manhunter"

"ENOUGH!" We all turn and a trident goes through five Parademons sticking them to the ground in front of a blonde guy "The names Aquaman and you will pay for attacking Atlantis!"

"We are not enemies Aquaman" Manhunter walks toward Aquaman "The Parademons in armor are the ones you seek"

"I am sorry" Aquaman pulls out his trident "People have been taken from Atlantis by these...things!"

We all duck when a Parademon dives toward us. I watch it fly toward the portal and see that's where the people are going...that may be where we can shut it down.

"Lantern and Superman" I look over at the two and take off my cowl  "We need to get into that portal switch into civilian clothes"

"One suit coming up" Flash takes off and comes back and hands me a suit "Bruce Wayne can't be in anything less"

"I'll do the same" Superman speeds off then comes back Dressed in a suit and glasses "Now how do we get up there? Dressed like this we draw attention"

"That's step two" I finish covering my batsuit with my business suit and look at Flash "Think you can draw them in?"

"Oh you know me too well" Flash gets in a running stance "Be ready!"

When he takes off I look at Wonder Woman "You, Aquaman, and Martian are doing the most important part" I point toward the people running around "They are scared and need leadership and that help"

"For a man" Wonder Woman smiles "You aren't that bad"

"I'll take that as a compliment" I see Flash come back and a horde of Parademons coming "Clark and Hal get ready"

They nod and follow my lead. I hold my arms up and they do the same. We luckily get picked up and they fly us into the portal. I make eye contact with Flash and I have to quickly look away.

-Flash pov-
"Selina is going to kill me" I take a deep breath then look at the three people I'm left with "So who's ready to kick some ass and save some people?"

"I AM!" Aquaman starts charging with his trident toward some Parademons "YOU SHALL PAY IN YOUR BLOOD!"

"Don't like his style" I look over at Wonder Woman "What do you do?"

"Just watch fast man" She fly's up fast and slashes throw a bunch of Parademons "That's what I do"

"And Manhunter" He raises his eyebrow at me "With a name like yours I imagine you could do damage"

"You'd be right" He morphs into a copy of Superman "But I think this will be better for time being"

"You're right" I motion for him to follow and we hurry over to a group of people being attacked "Let's take these guys down"

"Agreed" We both start working on taking down Parademons while more continue to pop up "We seem to have a issue"

"I'm really hoping Batman is working on getting this to stop" I hear a two loud thuds and see Wonder Woman and Aquaman imprinted into the ground "Let's hope it's soon"

-Batman pov-
"Now!" I get myself loose from the Parademon and land on a platform "Drop!"

"Easier for us" Hal changes into Green Lantern and cuts his guy apart and Superman lasers his "See"

"Get down here and desuit" there loud footsteps "Too late"

"Where are they?" Hal and Clark quickly land beside me as we hide "What do you mean we lost them?!...find them and being them to me!"

Parademons take off away from us. I glare at Hal and he starts looking around. I look around the place and see a panel where the big guys walking toward. It must be the main computer.

"We need to get to that computer to turn off the portals" I look at Hal and smirk "How fast so you think you can go pilot?"

"How fast do you need?" He makes a jet "I can go any speed"

"Fast enough not to get caught while I hook up to the panel" Hal nods and suits up before flying off "Hoefykly big guy takes the bai~"

"Get back here!" Thuds sound and we peak to see him and Parademons chasing Lantern "Stop in the name of Darkseid!"

"Let's go" Clark and I take off to the panel and I attach some wires to my gauntlet "This will be some time"

"I'll go help distract Darkseid" Clark changes into Superman and looks at me "Yell if you need help"

"Won't need it by thank you" Superman shakes his head and takes off "Hopefully"

I pull up a small screen and see it's slowly registering all of the transcriptions and data. They better be able to distract big man long enough. Cause if not we are stuck here and earth is doomed.

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