Chapter 13

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-Batman pov-
I let Tetch mess around with the book and words start swirling. I look at all of them as they swirl around me. Im getting the feeling this is gonna be a nightmare. I notice everything changing around me and soon I'm next to Alice. I look up and see Tetch is huge and is watching us.

"How do I beat this book?" He starts laughing and guys with Rabbit mask run out of a hole "Stay down Alice"

I run at the guys and start taking them on. I fight them as far away from Alice as I can but one guy gets free. I beat the guys down around me and run to get him. He pulls out a gun and I batarang his shoulder. I help her up and see more guys coming.

"When does this end Tetch?!" He just smiles and flips the page "you'll kill these people!"

"They are slaves! The have no reason for useless save!" He laughs and continues "Alice is your main objective, wouldn't want to lose her and yourself would you detective?"

I growl and tie a rope around a batarang. I fling it around them and grapple all of us to the next page. When I land there's 5 big guys already waiting. I fling the other guys at them only successfully knocking down 1. The 4 run at us and I push Alice safely away.

I dodge one guy but get hit by another. I'm knocked far away from Alice when 2 follow me. I throw explosive batarangs at them before running and dropping knockout gas. That'll stop two. I run at the other 2 who are above Alice laughing.

"How do I stop them?" I look around and see a ricochet point "That'll make it even"

I throw a batarang then run. I have to Time this perfect or we are done for. I run and tackle one guy away while the other gets shocked. Now it's one on one. The giant throws my off and growls. I watch him closely to see when he'll go. I see something flash and get distracted. What the hell was that?

I'm taken out of my thoughts by a body blasting me backwards. I hit the ground hard and stagger back up. He laughs and I notice Alice isn't there anymore. I need to find her now. I run at him as he does the same. I extend out my grapple before leaping catching the line around his neck and catapulting him on his head.

"I was going to help but you seemed to have it under control" I get ready to throw a batarang before I see Alice with a red and yellow man "Sorry didn't mean to spook just trying to find the girl from my area that got taken"

"No no no this is all wrong! You weren't supposed to sing this sweet song!" The words start spinning around us "I was in control I made this world, I gotta get out of here before hurled into a cell!"

We land outside of the book and the other guy runs and brings Tetch back. I grab Tetch and the guy smiles. I narrow my eyes before grabbing a paper. I write on it and hand it to him.

"Go there" he nods and speeds off taking Tetch and Alice "So that's the flash"

Sorry it's short and somethings happen while writing and just got it out. Next will be longer I promise!

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