Chapter 9

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-Bruce pov-
I look around the room and grab a chair. I break it apart and hold onto two of the legs. Jim and Harvey are getting their guns ready. They aren't getting Ivy if we can help it.

"GCPD should be alerted already so it's us against the clock" Jim cocks his gun "Harvey stay here with Ivy and Selina please"

He nods and we walk out into the hall "Why did you leave with me?" He looks at me with a duh expression "Oh yeah"

"Take the taser of my left hip" I unclip it and grab it "With your batmoves you can use it to your advantage seeming how it's a baton we just got from the higher ups"

We stop when footsteps come running toward us. There's five guys that stop holding guns up at us. They all have clown mask but one is different. One is red backed, with green eyes, and and twisted yellow smile.

"Stand down boys GCPD is coming and we can make it easier on you" Jim is holding his gun up and is ready to attack if need be "I see you aren't we will!"

I'm tackled to the floor as all five get shot down. I look behind us and see Harvey next to Selina holding Ivy. I look at Jim who has a eyebrow raised. I'd love to hear this too.

Harvey loads a new clip "A rope got thrown through the window hole" he walks over and helps us up "Only thing I could guess it being is someone coming in so we have to be here"

"Her IV is mobile so as long as it still is attached" Selina looks around then back at us "Let's move"

We walk slowly through the halls of the hospital. Some doctors must have escaped but to the ones left on the lower floors. Smiles are on their faces and tears a dried to their cheeks. They did not die a easy death.

"Joker venom" we all look at Ivy "I saw him making it on a visit...I didn't know this was what it would bring..this is why he wanted my flowers to spread the gas"

We reach the front doors and see Joker along with some thugs standing in front of it. They have guns drawn and ready to go. We have two hand guns, cat claws, a baton taser, chair legs, and a injured plant lady. I like our odds.

-Selina pov-
I watch Bruce move away as we walk closer to the Joker. Jim watches then looks back ahead. That man puts too much faith in Bruce. They may be friends but friends can change. Sometimes for the better other times...

"Well well well" Joker laughs "You made my job easier Jimmy! Now just hand over the plant and we'll be on our way"

Jim steps in front of Ivy "You'll have to go through me first" Joker just laughs and points his gun up "Threatening a police officer is very bad Jeremiah"

More laughter comes from the creep "You can't protect her with the small amount of people you have!" He waves his hands around "I mean come on I have a group! But let's make this fair I guess"

Joker shoots his thugs down to just him and three others. The three just look terrified and shake. Joker isn't even fazed just smiling. Harvey looks angry and Jim just looks shocked. He just killed his men out of what? A cruel joke?

"Now let's get this party started!" Joker shoots before we know it and gets Jim in the leg "Bullseye hahahahahahahaha!" We take cover behind desk as they start walking and unloading toward us

"What are we doing Jim?" Jim picks up his walkie and looks at me and our very terrified Ivy "Jim?"

"Just hold out buddy" Jim makes eye contact with me and I know why he's waiting "Just hold out"

Soon there's a thud, a crackle of electricity, some shots and silence. Jim slowly gets up with his gun ready. He motions me up and I help Ivy. What's there is Bruce holding the baton toward Joker and Joker standing there with the gun to Bruce.

"You know for a playboy" Joker drops the gun "You're no fun"

Harvey walks over and pushes him to the ground "You are under arrest! For the murder of doctors and patients along with shooting a officer" Harvey picks him up roughly "Arkham is gonna love you"

He leads him out the doors as police file in. They run up to Ivy but Jim puts his hand up. He tells them to go elsewhere. Soon it's just us left when a hell is called. We walk toward the sound to see a blonde doctor laying under a table.

"Is it over?" She sounds Jersey "Is the guy gone?"

Bruce helps her up slowly "Yeah he's gone" he let's go of her "What's your name mam?"

"Harleen Quinzel"

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