Chapter 24: War part 2

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-Batman pov-
This has been unending. The portal the box opened is just letting these aliens out whenever it wants. We can't take them all out.

"Heads up!" A whip cuts past my head and decapitates one of the aliens "At least I warned you"

"We need to retreat out of here" Superman nods and I look at Catwoman "You need to get back to the cave"

"I can fight!" She walks up to me "I'm just as good as any of you three!"

"It's not about being good!"  A green middle flys past us and soon a headless alien lands beside us "It's about knowing when to retreat"

"The portals won't close" Superman lands beside us "We need to go now"

I pick up Catwoman and start running for the exit. I hear the screeches behind us and pick up pace. This is going to get worse before we can make it better.

-Silas pov-
My son missing limbs and skin...what have I done?! I killed my son! I got to make this right.

"Put him in the incubator" the scientist in the room looks at me like I'm crazy so I pick my son up "I'll do it then!"

I lay my son in the machine and close it. I start pushing buttons and trying to fix everything. I hear thudding on the metal barrier and watch the barriers start to break. Lord please be with my son.

"Sir" I look at the screen and see Victors heart rate dropping until the dreaded sound comes "He's dead sir...I'm sorry"

"No! There has to be a way!" I start to push a button but my screen moves away from me "What the heck?"

All the machines starting moving toward Victor and covering the incubator. One of the barriers break partially and one of the demons arms reaches in. So this is how I see my wife again. Honey I'm going to see you again. We get to be a family once more.

The aliens bust in and fly straight at us. That's when a blur knocks them back. Flash stops in front of me and nods before going back to fighting. I walk over to my son to see the machines and metal have turned into a cocoon. I reach to pry it apart but soon a metal arm sticks out. It starts breaking apart and I'm frozen in aw at what comes out.

"My boy" I look at my son that's covered in metal now and has all of his limbs "Youre alive again!"

-Batman pov-
We made it back to the cave in one piece and weren't followed. This is worse then anything I've had to deal with so far. Aliens just taking people and exploding randomly. This isn't right.

"Your map shows another location of a major attack" I look at the bat computer and see D.C. with a red dot "I can make a jet let's go!"

I nod and look at Selina "Where's your mask?" She turns away from me "Selina...I'm not risking you getting hurt...this is more than we've ever faced before! I know you could handle it but until I know what's going on I don't feel safe letting you go! Please stay and watch over the mansion"

"Alright" Selina gives me a quick kiss on the cheek "But you better make it back to me tonight"

"I always do" I walk toward Lantern and see Superman is gone "We going alone?"

"Yeah" We wall out of the cave to a open area "Ready?"

"As I'll ever be" Lantern makes a green jet and I jump in "Let's go to D.C."

-Superman pov-
I fly to D.C. to get a head start on saving people. Batman seemed to have somethings he needed to take care of first. I understand the importance of family first. Just if Lois would agree to a date and I didn't only have my parents. Wow that sounded sad.

"I've got you!" I watch a woman in red, gold, and blue catch a woman and fly her back into the plane that's falling "I'm going to try and land this!"

"I'll help" I fly underneath beside her "Hello! The name is Superman"

"Wonder Woman" We grab the bottom of the plane "This is the presidents plane it needs a safe landing"

"Roger that" we slowly the plane to a clearing on the ground and make sure everyone is ok "I have friends on the way to help with what's going on"

"Friends?" The woman chuckles "Why does a Superman news friends? Can't he do everything?"

"I'll be the first to admit no I can't" she looks at me confused so I go on "Things got dangerous and my city possibly could've been gone but they helped me...I would've been able to destroy all of the aliens over time but causalities will be there's aliens everywhere"

"They came from a portal" I look at Wonder Woman and motion for her to go on "The portal come from the capital from a box"

"The same that went off in my city" I spot a green jet landing "Ah its my friends! Batman and Green Landhoop!"

"Green Lantern!" Batman and Green Lantern walk over to us "Have you found anything about the..heeeelllooo! What's your name hot lady?"

"Wonder Woman" She glares at Green Lantern before smiling at Batman "You must be Batman! Superman's friend?"

"We aren't friends" I smile and roll my eyes "What happened to the plane?"

"Some armored Parademons that came out of a portal" Batman squints "What? I answered your question"

"Move!" He pushes Wonder Woman aside and throws a bat shaped thing at the Parademons head exploding "We need to get the president and civilians out of here!"

We all nod and start moving to get them to safety. I woke up today hoping to ask Lois on a date. Is this what I get for wanting to date? Is this my sign?!

"Superman" A green missile hits a Parademon that's beside me "Focus!"

"Focus" I grab the president and First last then take off "Right"

-Victor pov-
I'm alive...but I'm metal?! "What did you do to me?!" A alien starts flying at me "Ahhh!!!"

A missile shoots from my back and a laser forms on my left arm shooting down more. This is new but kinda cool. But how will I play football after this? How do I live a normal life?

"Hey kid" I look at the flash who's in front of me "I know you may be having a mental crisis but I could really use your help ok?"

"Yes sir" I point my laser arm at the aliens "Let's kick some alien behind!"

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