Chapter 18

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-Catwoman pov-
I finally get away from everyone to call Alfred. There's gotta be a way to get Bruce or one of his friends here quick....QUICK!

"Miss Kyle?"

"Alfred" I whisper into my earpiece looking around "You have to find a way to call Bruce and get Flash here now"

"That bad of trouble huh?" I chuckle "I'll try my best but his phone is not responding"

"Please" I hear footsteps "Feed my cat please Albert"

"So cat sitter?" I look at Penguin with a glare "Look I'm not a enemy right now...we are trying to find a way out of this without getting shot"

"We or just riddler?" He scoffs and turns his head "Have you got anything?"

"The back entrance but we need a distraction" Guns go off and we run out to see a blur moving "That could work"

-A bit earlier- Barry pov-
"So this boat will go straight to Gotham?" Ras nods "Good now raise your my cell service"

"You're no fun Bruce" I watch the batglare come out "Fine"

Soon Bruce's phone is going crazy. He answers it walking away some. I look around the snowy mountain confused how Google Earth doesn't show this place. It's kinda beautiful.

"Barry I need you to run ahead to Gotham" I look at Bruce confused and see a very serious expression on his face "Selina and Ivy are hostage at Gotham's Finest Bank"

"I'm running low on fuel" A snap is heard and soon food is in front of me "This will do"

I quickly eat and switch into my suit. I say goodbye and takeoff to Gotham. I only get tripped up by three ships and four sharks. When I finally make it to Gotham I sprint around trying to find the best looking bank. Then I see a sign that says 'Gotham's Finest Bank'.

"I thought it was a nickname" I sigh and take off into it running at the gunmen "Oh I did not get enough food"

"Stop that blur!" I look up at a black masked man who's trying to shoot me "Get him!"

-Catwoman pov-
The villains start running toward the back and I stop. I see Flash stagger some and a bullet hit him. He starts running immediately again. I look at the door then back at him. He falls down and gets swarmed. That's so many guns.

"I told you we'd lose credit tonight" Ivy steps in front of me a soon vines are taking the gunmen down "Lets stop Black mask"

I nod smirking and we go into action. I swing to mask and fight him. I get shot twice before I can knock his gun away. After that it's a pretty even back and forth. I finally get the upper hand and go for a uppercut when I feel a sharp pain in my ribs.

"Stay down kitty" I fall and look up at Deadshot helping you Black Mask "I cant get paid if I don't have a contract alive"

"Let's go" I watch the two runaway "I'll get you the bat next time"

I feel my breathing start going and my vision gets blurry. I try to look over the railing to see Flash fighting along side Ivy before I start falling over it. The top of the bank starts going black and

-Time skip-
"Thank you" I hear beeping and there's light trying to get to my eyes "Open your eyes Selina. All of your friends and want to be friends are here"

"I don't got friends or people who wanna be friends" I groan at the pain moving causes "Can I get pain meds?"

"Wells ya are alreadys kinda doped up" I slowly open my eyes to see Harley next to me "Hey kitty cat!"

I look at her confused and then see everyone that's there. My apparent friends and wan to be my friends. Oliver Queen, Dinah, Lantern-without his suit-, Barry, Pamela, Alfred, Harley, and my love. Bruce is holding flowers in his hands and there's actually a smile.

"These are for you" he hands the flowers to me "I've been told they are 1. The best thing to give a girl you love in the hospital and 2. The best flowers Ivy has ever grown"

"So I'm not your friend Cat? I'm hurt" Ivy smiles and I just shake my head "Why not?"

"Cause you're my new best friend" I smile and look at Dinah and Harley "We are having a girls night as soon as possible"

"Oh god! I'm never bringing Iris ov-Iris!" I turn toward the door and see a angry looking reporter "Hows my love doing?"

"Angry that her boyfriend isn't answering the phone" She holds up hers "I saw Flash here and haven't heard from you in a few days! I've been worried sick! And who's that? Your side chick?"

"Iris that is Bruce Wayne's Girlfriend" Iris looks at Bruce and me so we nod "I wouldn't lie and neither would Barry...we kinda had a weird few days finding Ollie"

"So you guys came and bugged Bruce Wayne and his obviously hurt girlfriends?" Iris looks at Barry angry again and then Lantern "Hal you're cleaning the dishes tonight before you leave and Barry you are on the couch!"

"Miss West" Bruce walks over to Iris "These guys were no bother at fact Barry saved Selina and helped get her here"

"I see" Iris looks back at the cowering duo "You both can thank Bruce for saving you"


"So about that ladies night?" Iris rolls on the balls of her feet nervously "I don't exactly have a lot of friends so would I-could I maybe join you girls?"

"Of course you can" I sit up as much as I can and look at the other girls "She's ok coming right?"

"I made three friends in one day?!" Harley starts jumping around smiling "LIFE IS GETTING BETTER!!!"

After a while we all break out into small conversations. We plan girls night and the guys plan something. They could've talk about hero work for all I know. After a few hours everyone leaves besides Bruce, Dinah, and Oliver.

"Thank you for helping Dinah find me" Oliver extends his hand out to Bruce "I really owe you one Bat"

"When she came in she reminded me of someone I know" Bruce looks at me smiling before turning and shaking Oliver's hand "How about you finally listen to that Wayne-Queen merger idea? I think we both could...'benefit' greatly from that"

"I thought your tech was expensive" Oliver smirks and nods "I'll be back in Gotham tomorrow to talk"

"Why not stay?" Oliver looks at me confused "Thwre is space at the manor! You can stay there and keep Bruce company while Dinah keeps the girls company for me"

"Sounds like a plan" Bruce gives me a kiss "I'll see you tomorrow and I love you"

"Bye I love you too" I smile as they leave and frown when the door closes "Now what do I do by myself in this hell hole?"

"Help me?" I feel my eyes go wide and turn toward the now open window "I could really use it Selina and I don't wanna go against Bruce's against him"

"Against him how?" All I get is a head shake and growl "Against him how?!"

"Against him as Batman and the police" a sigh fills the silence "Now will you help me? Please?"

"What else can I say?" I struggle up to my feet "If it's for Bruce I'd do anything"

Not without you {Selina/Bruce} (Gotham) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now