Chapter 19

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-Bruce pov-
I'm driving to the hospital to see Selina. Oliver and I had our merger meeting and our tech departments will be working closer. Green Arrow might also be getting some new gear randomly. I'm a lone wolf but these people aren't too bad. When I pull into the parking area I'm met with a frantic Harley.

"She's not there!" I look at her confused "Selina! She's not there anymore! She's gone and the window is open!"

"Can you get me the room alone?" She nods and we head up to the hospital room "Plug my phone into the main computer and tap the bat"

"The bat?" She looks at the phone I hand her and her eyes go wide "Yo-yo-your him?! You're who saved me? That's how you got me knew..and you didn't judge?"

"I'm not as cold as people make me out to be" I give her a smile as we approach the room "I trust you enough to keep it a secret"

"Everyone the boss is here give him the room!" Harley starts shooing everyone away before turning "If you can trust me after my past with your secret you best believe I'm keeping that trust"

"Good" She nods and runs to I hope hook up my phone "Now lets find you clever kitty"

-Selina pov-
"Where are we Jim?" I'm looking at a old cabin in the middle of the woods "Are we in a horror movie?"

"No we are meeting my informant" We get out and walk up to the house "Put the gun away Doug it's Jim and the friend of Barbs I was talking about"

"I hate how much you know me" I hear a crash then the door opens revealing a disheveled man "This must be about the bat then?"

"Who on the police force told you they would meet here with the information?" Doug looks away from Jim "Doug answer me..I won't be mad"

"It's not he knows you'll be mad at" We both turn toward Harvey "Now i don't know who he is but! If your coming for the information it must be a high up there guy"

"Harvey he helps protect the city!" Jim steps toward Bullock "Why are you trying to ruin his life?"

"I'm not I'm trying to help protect him!" Harvey points to Doug "Who do you think finally got him to talk to you? I just needed to make sure we'd be fine! Now what friend of yours is crusading around?"

"I'll ask them if they wanna tell you ok?" Harvey sighs but nods "So who is talking at the precinct?"

"The man after you job" Doug walks down his porch to us "He cane by to ask if I was still talking to You or Harvey"

"Why is Howard trying to uncover the bat?" Harvey bits his cheek and Doug looks away "What?"

"Jim someone is tryin to se~"


"DOUG!" More billets fly around us as we duck behind the cars "Who the fuck is this?!"

"More of who are they!" I try to look but get shot at and move back to my spot "I can't believe I left my room for this"

"Message your friend" Harvey pulls out his gun and loads it "I'll try and shoot back but the bat is all we have"

"I have a different friend who'd be better for this" Harvey nods and starts firing back while I send a message to Ivy "It's sent lets just hope she gets here"

-Pamela pov-
Zzt zzt....zzt zzt...zzt zzt

"One day of sleeping in please" I sigh and grab my phone looking at the message "Need help being shot....NEED HELP BEING SHOT?!"

I quickly jump out of bed and start running to get changed. Selina sent me an address to go to. I start to walk out of the room but run into Alfred.

"Don't hustle and bustle to much Miss Ivy" I give a sheepish smile and start going for the stairs "And do tell...lets see...Miss Kyle I said hello"

"Will do Alfred" I go down the stairs and finally hear what he said "Of course he knows"

I get to the wooded area and start using nature to get to them. I'm just hoping I can get there in time.

-Bruce pov-
"I got the footage" I turn and grab the phone Harley is holding "It shows who took her"

"She wasn't taken by the looks of everything" I grab the phone and play the video only stopping on the two people "It's Jim and Selina leaving? Why would he....I'm gonna call him"

I call twice but he doesn't pick up anytime. I look at my phone and put it in my pocket. I walk out of the room and run straight to my car. I push the ping button and take off. Wherever he is I bet Selina is also.

-Selina pov-
"I'm out of bullets Jim!" Harvey ducks back behind the car "You got any?"

"Wasn't expecting a shoot out" I roll my eyes and the shooting stops "Think they are surrendering?"

"Come out Jim!" I chuckle and the guys look at me odd "We know who Batman is and we need to shut him down! He's gone too far! I'll take you down with him if I have to Commissioner!"

"Who do you have with you?" The looks from the guys have gone to confusion "The bullets fired aren't the same ones you guys use on the force"

"She's right" Harvey picks up a casing "These are different guns"

"Howard!" Jim raises his hands up "I'm in armed and Harvey is out of bullets! Do not shoot!"

"I don't wanna kill you commissioner" I point at all the bullet casings "We can talk it out"

"Looks like talking is over" There she is "Now it's mine turn"

There's bullets fired and screams from the gunmen. A guy even gets launched over our car and lands in front of us. I look over at the two guys and smile.

"They are all down!" We get up and Ivy is standing above all the gunmen "And no I didn't kill them"

"I'm glad" Jim pulls out his phone and goes pale "Uh oh"

"What Uh oh?" I look over his shoulder and my eyes bug out "He knows"

"Yeah I do" We turn and see Bruce leaning into the front of his car arms crossed "So which one of you wanna explain first?"

"Uhh" Jim and I look at each other before pointing "They do!"

"I'll call back up and you guys can figure out your issues" Harvey laughs and pulls out his phone "Good luck and remember to ask your friend"

I slump my shoulders as Bruce gets back in his car and drives off. I send a small glare to Jim before getting in his car. We follow after him back to the mansion.

This is gonna be fun.

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