Chapter 28

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-Bruce pov-
"Bruce you have a visitor from the daily bugle that wasn't to speak to you" I try and think of anyone I know from there "It's a Mr. Kent"

"Let him in" My doors open and Clark walks up to my desk "What can I do for you and Mr. Kent?"

"The building you got for the league" He hands me some photos and I look through them "It's a huge building...why that big? It's just 7 of us right now"

"Yes right now" I point to the last picture that shows a big locker area "I assume you only checked out the guys right?"

"What kind of man so you take me for?" He raises a eyebrow and I smirk "We need to all be in agreement as a team to who we let in. We can't just let anyone we want on"

"Who have you all already asked to join?" He looks at me wide eyed "I'm the worlds greatest detective Clark"

"Well Diana wants Ivy and Selina, Lantern brought up a Arrow guy and a bird girl, and I have a cousin who could do great work" I nod "What?"

"That's my question to you followed by where have you all been talking about this stuff?" He looks away from me and I hit a button on my phone "Cancel all meetings for me today I have a trip I need to stem with Mr. Kent"

-Hall of Justice-
"They said I shouldn't interrupt you at work" Clark sighs as we all in "But I just couldn't help're one of the leading 7 and we should all talk about this stuff together"

"Do you all not have jobs?" Clark rolls his eyes and we walk toward the meeting room "I know I do and you so but I don't know these others"

"I have a very great job thank you" I look at Diana who's standing beside the doors  "I'm a historian"

"Goes great with immortality huh?" She glares at me and I open the door to walk in "Hello Hal, J'onn, and Arthur"

"I thought we said not to interrupt his work Clark!" Hal looks at me "We were gonna call everyone here for a meeting after work hours"

"It's fine Hal" I push a picture on the screen on the table and a hologram of Green Arrow pops up in the room "This is the Arrow guy Hal was talking about...he's a very good hero and ally of mine"

"He has a wife to" Hal looks at the screen on the table and I cough making a swipe motion. He finally finds Canary "This is Black Canary. She amplifies her voice and can knock even the biggest thug down"

"I'm all for another strong woman on the team" Diana smiles "Soon we may even out rank you men"

"Wouldn't be the worst thing in the world" I scroll trough my notes and find Supergirl "This I believe is Clark's cousin I've taken notes on"

"I don't believe you could've foun~" I pop up her hologram "Or you could have"

"Greatest detective" I smirk at Clark "She's a power house like Clark here and has all the same powers too"

"This is a great team lineup to add" Arthur pulls up a hologram of....Mira "This is my wife and Queen of Atlantis! She could offer great help to our team!"

"Supergirl would make four...Mira five" Diana smiles  "We almost are there at having the number advantage! First team bonding exercise will be those manicures I've heard so much about!"

"I think I wanna take back my vote for Canary" Diana pulls out her lasso and glares at Hal who puts his hands up "I take it back I'm voting for her!"

"Hal I understand there's other Green Lanterns too" he nods and I pull up a man named John Stewart "I think he'd help us out tremendously"

"He could" Hal nods "I have a meeting on our Lantern planet soon so I could talk with him there or meet up with him here on earth"

"I understand why we made this place so big now" Clark pulls up a thing off all the heroes and heroines I've researched "This list is huge and remarkably well put together"

"I've thought about something like this for a while" I sigh and shake my head "I just wasn't hoping I'd have to do it with how it went down"

"We can't fix the past" I look up at J'onn "We can only accept it and do better in the future"

"We'll be prepared next time" Hal points to the pictures going by "I mean we have so many people to choose from! We could make multiple teams!"

"But the voting stands to us" Everyone nods at my words "We vote on who comes in as a board and the League can make their own teams as other join the ranks"

"I like this idea" Arthur looks at me "But how are we going to make it easier to get here? I had to have Hal pick me up and bring me here"

"I've had my....helper working on a system" I motion them to follow and we walk to the zeta room "The are Zeta-tubes are teleportation devices to help getting here easier"

"How do they work?" I look at Diana who looks weary "Do they even work?"

"One way to find out" I type in my Justice League number and location to the batcave "We've planted these in locations in your towns and will do more when it comes to it. This one will go to my cave...hopefully"

I step into the portal and close my eyes.  I hear the energy around me then feel nothing and hear nothing. I open my eyes and see my cave. I smile and put my code back in to the Hall of Justice.

I walk into the portal and I'm back in front of everyone. They clap and I take a good look at the team. This could be the start of a great team and great age of heroes. But this could also be the start of some dangerous villains.

We'll be ready though. Cause we are the Justice League.

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