Chapter 17

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-Bruce pov-
"Who's Ra al shoe?" I look over at Barry who's very visibly confused "Is he a frenemy?"

"More enemy no friend" I sit Oliver in the captains chair "From what I gathered from henchmen talks he is looking for Green arrow and Batman"

"Well the ship won't move" Lantern walks up to us and loses his suit "All the gears are stuck and we will run into the dock at China"

"Can you get your ring to stop it?" Lantern looks at the ground shaking his head "And why not?"

"I'm out of juice and my Lantern is back in Gotham" I shake my head and there's a collective Hal from everyone else "Hey! He didn't know my name yet!"

"Well Hal you possibly just did the dumbest things ever" I hear static coming through the radio and pick it up to talk "Hello? Hello? Can you hear me?"

"I can very much hear you Bruce" the only man that can make my stomach fall like the joker "I assume Oliver is there too?"

"I see we are almost to your drop off point huh?" I hear him laugh and anger unleashes the bat "Why are you taking us to China?! Why risk thousands of life's?!"

"What do you mean risk people's life's Bruce?" Oliver looks at me confused by the sincerity in his voice "What did that clown do?"

"He rigged their ship" I look at Oliver and he nods "He got all the controls stuck and when we reach the dock it's over"

"Damnit!" I hear something get thrown "I knew I should've flown to Gotham"

"You stay away from my city" I growl out my words "Just help us sail safely into the dock and get us back to Gotham!"

"There's no time look out the window" I look up and see the dock getting closer "The innocent will be fine...they die for a better cause"


"Already on it!" Barry suits up and runs moving people out of the way before running back "Only damage will be shops"

"I'll see you"

The connection goes static and I throw the microphone. I put my suit on and grab ahold of Hal. I pull out my grapple and wait till we get close enough and launch off. We safely land on well land.

"You three find refuge" I look over at Arrow "Let's go"

"No I'm not losing my husband again!" Dinah walks up to us "I'm coming too!"

"We can't risk i~" I see a flash of black go behind a tree "They already know"

"Looks like we have no choice" I nod and we start up the path the the demon head "Hal you're about to get very cold"

-Selena pov-
"He left huh?" I look over at ivy walking into the batcave "Who does that leave to protect?"

"Us I think" She scoffs with a smile "What?"

"Two criminals protecting Gotham!" She shakes her head and sits on the work bench "We so will lose credit as villains"

"I already did" we both laugh but stop when the alarm goes off "There's a robbery at Gotham's Finest Bank"

"Well" Ivy stand ups "Let's go Catwoman"

"No backstabbing right Ivy?" She looks at me confused "We are still villains at heart"

"Bruce has given me a second chance" She looks at the ground of the batcave "I sure as hell won't go back on it"

"Good to hear" I press the unlock on the batmobile "It's go time"

-Time skip-Bruce pov-
"We are here" I push the doors in front of us open and Everyone walks in shivering "It'll be better in here"

"Demon head!" Oliver pulls out his bow and pulls up his hood "I want answers!"

"Settle down Oliver" I get my batarangs ready behind me while Ras walks up to us with his 'followers' "No reason friends can not talk"

"We are not friends" Oliver aims his bow at Ras "Now tell me why I shouldn't kill you right now?"

"Because then you wouldn't be able to hear what I have to say" Ras smirks as Oliver growls and lowers the bow "Great to see you finally made friends Bruce"

"Not friends" I see shadows move around us "Call them off before things get ugly"

"Just precautions" Ras snaps his fingers "Now I couldn't make this a call over the phone and I wanted to warn you all that there is a greater force working behind the scenes"

"What force?" Hal raises his hand "Also what's going on?!"

"Nothing that concerns you yet" Ras glares at him then looks back at Oliver and me "I only warn you because of respect for you but this is the last time I warn you...dark times are coming very dark times"

"We'll be ready" I throw a batarang and stick one of the shadows to the wall "Now how do we get back to Gotham?"

"Follow me" Ras turns and walks "I have a ship that can get you back quickly"

-Gotham-Catwoman pov-
"This is the bank" I whip my way onto the roof and look at Ivy "You ready?"

"Ready to stop crime or ready to lose my villain card?" I look at her and she smiles "Lets do it partner"

I open up a air shaft down to the top floor and we enter. We sneak around trying to find the bank robber one is here?

"You think we got set up?" I look back at Ivy "Who would do it?"

"I got you!" Penguin jumps out from behind a statue with his umbrella pointed at us "Oh it's the turncoat and Jokers top wanted"

"Nice to see you too Oz" he rolls his eyes and lowers the umbrella "Did you set this up for Batman?"

"Well I mean that what I was told it was for" I look at him confused "Someone crossed me"

"Join the club" Riddler walks up to us slowly "I was told we'd get to kill the bat here"

"If I told you all just to come would you have?" We all look up and see a man with a black mask "I mean come on we aren't idiots here! Maybe Catwoman but not everyone else"

"I'm gonna claw your eyes out!" I go to leap at him but goons with guns walk out toward us "Now now! We wouldn't want anyone to get hurt would we? Although I'd love to test how many of your nine life's are left"

"If we broke into here we need to leave before Batman comes" Black mask guy laughs "What's so funny?"

"I want him to come" I sneak a glance at Ivy who is looking at me "We can beat him with numbers! One man can't beat all of us!"

"So what" I lean on a statue next to me "We wait for the Batman?"

"Exactly" My eyes go wide as he cocks a gun "We wait for the Batman"

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