Chapter 14

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-Bruce pov-
I drive into the Batcave opening and see him at my computer. I get out of the car and walk over to him still in my suit. He speeding around touching buttons and I don't think he knows I'm here.

"I wouldn't continue" He spins around to face me and I do my best not to laugh at his fear "Did you get the girl back to her family?"

"Yes I did and may I also say this place" he holds is arms up waving them "Is huge, scary, and dark in some places"

"I'm Batman" I step toward him and he steps back "I like my face huge, scary, and dark in some places"

"So why did you invite me here?" Flash sits in my chair and spins "I mean I'm happy to meet the Batman but I can't help but feel you're not happy"

"Sorry was my smile not a give away?" He looks at me and I keep my mouth in a thin line "I wanna know who you know Flash the other heroes"

"What you mean Bats?" I push a button on my keyboard and several heroes pop up including him "Whoa stalk much?"

"I keep tabs on possible ally's or enemies Barry" his eyes go wide when he looks at me "Yes I know your name and no you can't know mine"

"Bruce there you are!" I sigh when Selena walks over and Barry smiles "Oh you have a friend"

"Bruce Wayne is the big bad bat?" He pulls down his cowl and laughs "Oh that's hilarious!"

"I can still snap every bone you have Allen" I take my cowl off as he cringes "But you never answered my question"

"Yeah I know Green Arrow, Black Canary, and Green Lantern" I bring their files to the foreground "Wow you have their names too?!"

"I do minus Lantern" I turn to Selina "What did you need before you gave my name away?"

"Well if you're gonna act like that never mind" I roll my eyes and she hisses "Rude! I was just trying to find the guy who caught me and left the Al's guard"

"I had to for a little girl" I hear the unmistakable footsteps of the only man who knows his way down here "Speaking off"

"Oh Master Bruce you have a friend!" Barry laughs again and I growl as Alfred walks closer "Now this friend isn't the reason you left against my ruling is it?"

"Why yes" I look at Barry and smirk "Yes he is"

"I see" Al glares at Barry who goes wide eyed "Already not starting off good in my book"

"You're scarier then the Bat!" Alfred smiles and I over he just switched sides "Anyway while I'm here I would like to talk with you"

"Me?" I look at Barry confused and stands up out of the chair nodding "What's going on?"

"Arrow" he points to Oliver Queen "He went missing and I've tried my best with Lantern but we can't find him and Canary is going nuts"

"Don't call me nuts" I get in attack stance when I see Canary and Lantern floating toward us "Don't worry I'm not here to hurt anyone...minus Barry"

"Oh yeah that's what I came down here for really" I glare at Selena who just smiles "slip of the mind?"

"Slip of the mind" I look back at the new duo "I assume you're here to talk?"

"A normal man is Gotham's protector how?!" I look at Lantern who's till floating "I mean come on playboy you have a business to run!"

"And Oliver doesn't?" His eyes go wide in his mask and I hold up his ring "Also how does this work?"

"How th~" he falls to the ground with a thud "Ow! Give that back it's a powerful weapon!"

"In the hands of a mortal" he looks at me confused "You say I'm human and shouldn't do this and I bet you say the same about Oliver but you don't ask why or why you can just cause of a powerful ring? How does that make you different?"

"Well it..I mean...uh" he looks at Dinah for help and I smirk "Help me please?"

"That's what I'm asking him" I look back at her fully "Please help me find him"

"Where was his last known location?" I grab my chair, sit down, and then spin to face it "We'll start there"

"He was helping me track Alice through Bludhaven when a 'shark' gang stopped us" I pull up bludhaven files and cameras trying to find them "Stop top right!"

I pull up the video to fit the screen. I play it and see the fight. Barry is separated by the gang from Oliver and Oliver gets overwhelmed. Oliver seems to get gassed then taken. I stop the frame and zoom. Yellow glove...

"I know that glove" I get up and put my cowl on "We are taking a visit to Arkham"

-Arkham gate-Time skip-
"He escaped a week ago" Jim hands me a file "All the notes he wrote...he's going after the girls"

"Thanks Jim" he nods and gets in his car while I turn to the group "Joker escaped the same time Oliver was taken. He mimicked a gang that is in bludhaven or used them to get him...for what you may not want to know"

"Ollie" Dinah falls onto her knees crying "Not Ollie"

"We'll get him back D" Lantern looks at me "Right?"

"You can stay with me while we hunt him down" I hold my hand out "We mortals gotta stick together right?"

He smirks "Right" he shakes my hand then we both pick up Dinah "First we need to get you in a bed for sleep mam"

I watch lantern make a bubble and the fly away. I feel someone staring at me and sigh. I look back at Barry and see hesitation on his face.

"Do you think he'll be..that he'll be ok?" Barry takes a deep breath and looks back where the other two just disappeared from "She needs him just like he needs her"

"He took him for leverage and wouldn't kill him" I put a hand on Barry's shoulder "I'll find him and return Oliver to you guys"

"Thanks Batman" he chuckles "So what do you think is faster? Me or the bat mobile?"

"I don't know" I call the bat Mobile to me and open the door "Let's find out"

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