Chapter 2

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-10 years- Selina pov-
I'm walking around a market place in I had to come back to Gotham because Bruce...

"Mam" I look up at the man standing in front of me "You ok?"

I nod "yeah sorry just thinking" I turn to walk away when I see a banner "What the hell?"

Bruce Wayne-
Back from mysterious 10 year leave back in Gotham! Taking over Wayne Enterprise tonight at gala! Come see the golden child of Gotham!!!

I feel a mixture of anger and sadness. I'm mad because he didn't tell me he was coming back. I mean I felt him watching when I stole something but I didn't see him. But I'm also sad he hasn't tried to see me...I thought he loved me.

"Miss Kyle?" I jump and see Jim Gordon beside me "Nice to see you"

I smile "Nice to see you too" I point at the poster "So Bruce is back huh?"

He tilts his head "He didn't tell you?" I shake my head and he sighs "I'm sorry Selina I'm sure it skipped his mind he's been busy"

"Yeah maybe" I sigh "I'm gonna head home see you around"

I walk away and head toward me home feeling a piece of me gone. I just want him back. I miss him. I still love him.

-Bruce pov-
"Master Bruce" I turn toward Alfred "I found an invitation that forgot to be sent"

I look at the card in his hand "Ahh" I get up form my chair and grab it "Selina Kyle"

"You haven't talked to her in 10 years" I hear Alfred scoff "you haven't dated in 10 years"

I chuckle "thanks Al" I put the card in my pocket "I'll go see her"

I see a smile appear on his face "Good sir" he opens the door for us "The car?"

"No" I grab a beanie and a coat "I'll talk my bike"

I go to the garage and grab my motorcycle. I open the door and drive off. First stop Barbara. I need to find out where she is.

-Barbara's building-
"No" Barbara walks away from me "you made her cry for years because she thought you were dead and now you wanna see her? You didn't even invite her!"

I pull out the card "It didn't get sent" I hold it out to her "I couldn't find her address"

She looks at it "I see" she sighs and writes a address on it "Here go see her but if you die I'm making sure Jim sweeps it under the rug"

I smile "Wouldn't think you'd do any less" I walk toward the exit and stop "Nice building by the way I've been wanting to expand mine up some anyway"

I hear here start to argue when I leave. I jump onto my bike but see a note on the handles.

Welcome back old friend!

I put the note in my pocket. I'll have to check that out in the cave. I start the bike up and drive to the address Barb gave me.

-Selina pov-
I'm walking around in Bruce's sweater I've had for years. It's a snug but great fit and feeling. I hear some knocking on the door and yell to hang on. Instead of hanging on there's more.

"IM COMING!" I angrily walk to the door and open it "Wha-"

I freeze "Hey Selina" It's Bruce Wayne, the man I love in front of me "I was gonna send this over mail but I didn't have your address till today so"

He hands me a invitation. I grab it my eyes not leaving him. I'm scared if I look away I'll lose him.

"I'm not going anywhere" he smiles and it melts my heart "Selina? Are you ok?"

"You left me" I feel tears start to fall "You said you loved me and you left me alone for years!"

"I can never apologize enough about what I did" I see a tear form in his eye "I never stopped loving you but I understand if you stopped loving me I wouldn't blame you"

"I didn't stop" We lock eyes and it's like everything else stops "Would you like to come in?"

He smiles "No I have to get ready for the Gala" he hands me the card "which I hope you come to tonight I do need a dancing partner"

I smile "Count me in" he turns and walks away "Bruce!"

He turns around "Yeah?"

I run and give him a hug "I just wanted to feel if you were real" I back away "I'll see you tonight"

I walk back into the house and close the door. I stand there for a moment. A DRESS! I NEED A DRESS AND MY HAIR DONE!!

I pick up my phone "Hey Babs..I need a favor"

Not without you {Selina/Bruce} (Gotham) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now