Chapter 23: War Part 1

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-5 months later- Batman pov-
Gotham has been better then it was. I'm watching a armored alien creature fly towards the sewer system. I quickly send a message to Lantern and follow after him. When I get to the sewer I see the alien and start to aim but he turns and spot me.

"Get down!" I get tackled by Green Lantern and a explosion goes off flinging us back "You ok?"

"Fine" I get up and see some rubble blocking the path "Can you make a drill and get us over there?"

Lantern nods and soon there's a green drill making the rubble go away. When the rubble is dealt with we go to the box that is attached to the wall. I look it over and scan it. It's nothing from our planet for sure.

"We need to get this out of here" I nod and look at Lantern "What? Do I got dirt on my face?"

"This is going to be something big...I need to know you won't tell Oliver or Barry about this" I take my cowl off "I can't bring them into this and I don't want you to either"

"It's a deal you didn't even have to ask Bruce" Hal desuits "I don't know what this will bring can't be good"

"Agreed" I look back at the alien box "I think I know the place to go to find info"

-Flash pov-
I'm running to S.T.A.R. Labs right now. Mr. Stone said he needed my input on something he found. I run to his office and freeze at the huge tube with a floating box. Did he make Pandora's box?

"Flash good to see you" I look at Stone who's smiling "That box is what I called you for! There was a alien that brought it here...he's currently being surveyed by some scientists downstairs"

"There has to be something immoral about that" Stones raises a eyebrow "Why are we studying a alien that got lost?"

"He was trying to plant that thing" I look back at the box "But he was detained down and we have him here! We are hoping he can lead us to something about the box"

"I see" I hear the door open and see Silas son "Hello Stone Jr.!"

"Please don't call me that" I nod and the kid looks at Silas "Big football game tonight's the game to get us to the ready to Uh go?"

"I have somethings to finish here Victor" Silas points to me "I need to get Flash to help me with this box! But I promise I'll be at the game"

"I'm gonna hold that to you" Victor looks at me "Make sure he doesn't over work himself"

"Will do" Victor walks out "You know you should go to that game Silas"

"This is more important" I look at Silas confused "This box could be eternal life!"

"Or it could be you losing your son!" I put my finger on his chest and don't try to hide my anger "I would've given anything to have my parents at my stuff but I couldn't...don't flake on that boy Silas"

I quickly run out of the building. He can deal with this stuff in his own.

-Green Lantern pov-Metropolis-
"What are you thinking Bat?" We keep walking toward the middle of the city "Batman"

"He's coming" I see rocks shaking and Batman hold is hand up "Right Clark?"

"Who are you and why do you have that box?" I turn around and get grabbed by a strong flying guy in blue and red "How do you know my name...Bruce?"

"You crashed into the planet by a Rocket" Batman holds up the box "This from your planet?"

"No" Clark looks at the box Batman is holding "Fought a armored alien for this one?"

"Worth a shot and no" Batman looks at me and smirks "Clark you can let Hal go"

"Oh come on!" Clark let's me go and I catch myself from falling "What about secret identities?!"

"X-Ray vision" Clark smiles "I saw your name tag already"

"What's your hero name?" Clark raises a eyebrow "What I don't know who you are"

"Superman" he holds his hand out to me "What's yours?"

"Green Lantern" I look at Batman "How do you know about him?"

"I know everyone" Batman looks at both of us "Superman's weakness is Kryptonite which is a rock and yours Is yellow"

"Not cool!" I hear laughing and look at Superman "Your weakness is a rock"

"Better then a color"I sigh "What do you think that box will do? Or why those suicide aliens brought it?"

"Don't know" Batman looks at his box "Ours is different from yours so maybe it's a puzzle...let me take these to the cave and I'll try and figure it out"

"Uh Batman" I point at armored aliens flying at us "They're back!"

"Great" Batman pulls out batarangs "I've been looking for a fight all night"

"Those won't do anything Batman" I look at Superman as he lands in front of Batman "Take the box and go I can handle these with Green Lantern"

"I can fair just fine next to you super powered guys" Batman grapples a aliens head with out looking and causes it to crash into others "Just try to keep up"

With that Batman is off fighting the aliens "So" I look at Superman "He's with you?"

"More of I'm with him" I shake my head "Trust me it's better to let him do his thing"

-Time skip-Victor pov-
"He missed another freaking game!" I get out of my truck with my baseball bat "Lets see how breakable this 'important' stuff is"

I walk with no issues dads office. When I get in there I see them looking at a stupid box in a tube. THATS WHAT HE MISSED HIS SONS GAME OVER?! THATS MORE IMPORTANT THEN ME?! Screw this! I smash my bat into the computers and machines beside me.

"Son what are you doing?" My dad runs over and grabs my bat while I'm swinging "Put it down! Stop destroying our tech!"

"The dang tech that's more important than me?" I get the bat out of his hand and hit a computer. Soon the lights go red and a alarm goes off "Did I do that?"

"No that the intruder alarm" A screech is gears and shatters the Windows "Theres more of them here! They came for the box!"

Alien creatures burst into the room coming at us. I take my bat to the head of one of them then another one eats it. My dad starts pushing me out the door with the box. We make it to a safe room with two scientists.

"Silas!" A scientist named Doug gets grabbed by a alien as the door closes "Help! Help me!"

"I-I-I can't!" I look at my dad angry and confused as he hits the door button "I'm sorry"

"Take this not him!" I grab the box and try to through it by dad tackles me "What are you doing?"

The door closes "Saving you and my research" pounding starts on the door "We need to find another way out"

"No I'm throwing this to those things" I go to the button but the box starts glowing and shaking "What's going on? I didn't do anythahhhhhhhh!!!!"

-Green lantern pov-
"Guys the box!" It starts glowing and I take it from Batman in a green energy ball "I'm throwing it!"

When I throw it the thing box explodes and makes a portal. Soon more of the aliens fly out.

"Great" I make a mech suit while Batman and Superman ready up "Who's up for a round two?"

I hope this was a good chapter. I'm introducing the league obviously and taking bits and pieces from different media outlets of DC comics. This will be a multipart section. But I will stick to the original Justice league members. Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Flash, and Green Lantern. Cyborg will play a part in this but won't be an original member. He'll be in a future 'team'.

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