Chapter 20

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-Selina pov-
"My mission was to save a damn little girl from a psychopath and then help a man who got abducted from my city!" Bruce shakes his head and hits his desk "Why are you taking her on a fucking recon mission just to talk to a old man?!"

"In case i mneswbvj" Jim mumbles and soon Bruce his holding him by the collar "Hey! Hey! You don't scare me as Batman or Bruce and you never have! We are equals Bruce! We always have been or so I thought!"

"I thought you were my friend Jim!" Bruce pushes Jim back "You were like a older brother to me! Now you take Selina as what? Back up? A decoy? Or was it so you could find out who was figuring out who I was and she'd be able to save you from me?"

"It was in case I got killed that I-that I knew word would make it to Barb and Babs about what really happened" Jim looks at the ground and Bruce frowns as he looks at Jim "I wanted them to know that I went down for what I believe in and who I believe in! That I actually went down for the city not against it...not as a traitor"

"We can prove them wrong" We both look at Bruce confused "They are holding a press conference to expose me outside of Wayne Tech...if I walk out as Bruce in a couple of hours and have a alibi as to why I wasn't there all day...I should be able to detour the accusation to crazy talk"

"But who will be Batman?" I look at Bruce and Jim "None of us would fit in that suit"

"A certain 'Business' partner might" Bruce pushes some buttons on his phone and holds it to his ear "Yeah you busy in about two hours?...good I need someone to pretend to be me and your the closest non bearded guy I have"

Jim looks at me and I just shrug. I don't know which guy he's calling right now. I just hope it works.

-Time skip-Wayne tech-
"Oh my god! There's so many balloons!" I laugh at Harleys excitement as we walk closer to the press conference "Can I get some?"

"Of course Harley" I make a whip sound at Ivy and get a laugh form Barb "Silence from the peanuts"

"Oh oh oh! Can I get peanuts too?!" I laugh as Pamela sighs "Ooooo can that last balloon be a hat?"

"So you know who he got?" I shake my head at Barbs question "I haven't seen Jim yet"

"He's walking out with Bruce" I feel a tug on my arm and look down at Babs "What's up sweetie?"

"Is that lady crazy?" I see her pointing at Harley and see Harley frown "Cause I wanna ask if she wants to play but I'm not allowed by crazy people"

"Harley is a good girl right momma Barb?" Babs looks up at Barb and Barb nods "See momma even likes her! So why don't you go ask her if she wants to play sometime?"

"Ok!" Babs quickly runs over to Harley who's trying to not smile and act like she heard nothing "Hey Harllay! Can we play sometime?"

"I'd love that!" Harley quickly unties a balloon from her a wrist and attaches it to Babs "Now we are balloon buddies!"

"You realize the monsters you two just created" We laugh at Pamelas statement "Hey they are at the stand"

We turn and sure enough he's there. Howard is standing with a few police officers on the steps. They have a small hand made stand set up. There's two microphones attach to speakers. Very nice setup taking on a billionaire.

"Hello news outlets" Howard looks so smug I can't help but fake vomit "My fellow officers and I have called you all out for one reason! We have reason to believe your police commissioner knows the identity of Batman! With the new light and him telling us not to take him under custody leads me to believe it's a dear friend of his! A friend who has money to make fancy gear and have fancy tank cars! That leads us to or pointing out of the real man behind the mask Bruce Wayne!"

"It's Bruce Wayne!" Howard nods but stops when he sees the pointing of the reporter "What do you have to this accusation?"

"I have to say I was yes late to work today because I was celebrating a co-signing with some friends and went to check on my girlfriend who disappeared from the hospital" Bruce smiles beside Jim as they are now beside Howard "Thankfully Jim, Harvey, and a new hero who doesn't go by Poison Ivy anymore but just Ivy saved her after you ambushed and killed a former police officer and shot at the other three"

"You think a alibi and showing up here proves anything?!" Nice way to blow past the killing idiot "You are still Batman!"

"How can I be Batman if he's right there?" We all follow Bruce's pointing and I freeze at the very identical Batman "Now I believe commissioner Gordon has something's to say to you"

"Yes I do Bruce" Jim pulls out hand cuffs "You are under arrest for the killing of Doug, attempted murder on two public officials, attempted murder on a civilian, and just for the hell of it slandering a innocent mans name"

"Now I would like to announce what my merger was if you all would like to know" The press quickly look back to Bruce mics ready "The merger was between Queen tech and Wayne tech! It'll help provide technological advances in medical fields and to the people who deserve them and of of course to the people!"

Questions start getting fired like crazy and Bruce answers them at random. I can't help but smile and shake my head. This is the man I love. He's the best.

"Now I would like to publicly announce a promotion to Harleen Quinzel to CEO of The soon to be named Wayne Medical Hospital! I trust that she will be able to lead a new revolution to the hospital and bring it to the direction it needs to be! I also want to announce Pamela Isley will be in a position just below another person in Selina Kyle! As they will be working here at Wayne tech! I'm not playing favorites I'm not playing family! I'm putting people where they belong and giving second chances to people who deserve it! Which is why I'm announcing today that I'm working on a program to give criminals who pass test that have changed and people who need work and can be put to work here a chance! Which is what will be spearheaded by Pamela and Selina! Thank you!"

I'm left in shock at what just happened. I'm in control of a branch? I have a job? I really have a second chance completely? I guess that all just leaves one question.

What's next?

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