Chapter 30

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-Selina pov-
"Selina!" I walk out of my bedroom to see Bruce at the top of the stairs "Come down stairs! I have someone for you to meet! The others have already met him!"

"Alright!" I head over toward the stairs and follow him down "Where's this guy I'm meeting?"

"He's playing with Harley" We follow the sounds of childish laughter. Soon I'm met with Ivy, Alfred, And Harley playing with....the boy from the show "This is my now adopted son Richard John Grayson"

"You adopted him?" Bruce nods and I smile "You so have a heart"

"He's has a bad past" Bruce smiles watching the boy play and laugh "He lost his parents in front of his own eyes....I know what that's like"

"You're doing a great thing Bruce" Ivy walks over "But just get ready to buy a bunch more chocolate milk and cookies"

"I must say Master Bruce" Alfred walks up smiling "I'm very proud of you doing this...I know your parents would approve too"

"Thank you Alfred" Bruce takes a deep breath "I'm also looking into his parents far Gordon and Bullock can only see it attached to mobsters"

"You think they were dirty?" Bruce shakes his head at Alfreds question "Then why go after the mob?"

"The circus owner" Bruce looks at Alfred "He had a deal set up with Tony Zucco according to Haly himself"

"Well then I guess Batman is visiting someone tonight" Bruce nods "Need a sneaky cat with him?"

"No I have another idea for you"

-Time skip-Haly circus-
I land outside of a pop up tent. I slowly walk in to see a small bar setup. I look at the bar and see Haly sitting there. I slowly approach him.

"I already told the police all I know" Haly shakes his head and takes a shot of gin "They were my best friends....but we needed the money then I couldn't pay him back..he knew who I favored more"

"Because everyone built them up right?" He nods and I sit beside him "Why did everyone push for them so hard?"

"They were talented!" Haly smiles "Everyone else has to work for their was like they were gifted by god!"

"I was here today when it happened" He doesn't say anything just pours a shot again "Their boy is with someone who will take of him"

"Bruce Wayne" Haly takes the shot quickly and sighs "That boy is gonna get the high life"

"But he'll be take care of" I stand up "I actually came here to make sure you all left alive"

"Thank you buts what's one hero gonna do?" He stands and looks at me "Bullets can kill"

"I have my ways" I motion toward the tent flap "Ready?"

"As I'll ever be" We both walk out and stop when we see Zucco there "What the hell are you doing here?! YOU KILLED MY FAMILY!"

"I told you to pay up" He smirks "But you got no proof...what are you doin here Cat?"

"Making sure Haly circus leaves safely" I see him raise a eyebrow and make a motion for his gun "If advise you not to"

"Or what?" Vines slowly starts wrapping around them "What the hells goin on?!"

"My back up" I look at Haly "Get out of here"

"Thank you" Haly runs to the train where the rest of the circus is. Soon they start taking off "Thank you so much!"

I look at Zucco and his thugs. They sneer and I just walk away. He has other things to worry about when he leaves here.

-Time skip- Zucco pov-
I walk into my office alone. I got my best guards outside my door. That damn cat is gonna pay for letting Haly leave!

"You look upset" I look around the room for the voice "You killed two innocent people took a boys parents lives right in front of him!"

"Guards!" My doors fly open with my guards running in ready. We all circle with guns drawn "Where you are?!"

The lights go out "I'm right here" We open fire and after a few minutes a body hits the floor. Lights come on and I see it's my best guards knocked out "This is a warning to confess Zucco"

"I'll kill you!" I feel someone behind me and turn to see Batman "You have no proof Batman"

"I will" I go to shoot but he knocks the gun away "And when I'll be under for good"

He jumps out the window as more guards run in. I stare at the window and smirk. So Batman thinks he will be the one to put me under huh? Wait till Gotham sees his head on the doors of my buildings!

-Time skip-Manor-Bruce pov-
I start walking out of the batcave when I hear footsteps. I look around but don't see anyone. I walk back into the cave and see cookie Harley down here?

"Are you Batman?" I freeze at Richards voice "Are you the Batman? Why didn't you save my parents?!"

"I tried" I turn toward him and get to his height "But I was just too late...but I'm going to get back at the man who killed your parents"

"I wanna help" I look at Richard shocked as anger crosses over his face "You are looking for your parents killers....I wanna get mine too"

"I don't wanna put you in harms way" He shakes his head "You really wanna do this?"

"I wanna help take down the man that killed my parents" I sigh and stand up "Can I?"

"We will start your training tomorrow" He smiles wide "You need to come up with a na~"

"Robin!" I look at him confused "My mom called me her little robin and my dad said I could always fly like one...I wanna be Robin"

"Well then Robin" I hold my hand out and he shakes it "Your training starts tomorrow"

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