Chapter 15

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-Bruce pov-
It's night out still as I stand on the balcony. I can't get any sleep. Every time I close my eyes tonight I see Alice, I see my parents get shot, and I see Selina falling. I just can't understand why nothing go well for me! Maybe I can't be happy...maybe that's what makes me the Batman so well.

"Can't sleep either?" I look behind me and see Harley walking up "Full house now compared to the empty nest you once had"

"Yeah not too bad of a change though" She smiles and I look back at the moon as she comes beside me "Why are you up? Don't you have work tomorrow?"

"Yes I do" She leans on the rail and sighs "That's why I'm up...he had me so messed up that...he had me thinking I was the one! Then he threw me out and is trying to hunt me down"

"He's after Ivy and Selina too" I turn and look at her "He won't stop till we all break"

"Sucks for him I'm already broken huh?" She chuckles at her own joke "I haven't had a good laugh in so long"

"I haven't either" I see her face shift to confusion "Parents were killed in front of me"

"I'm so sorry" She puts a hand on my shoulder "I'm a psychotic psychologist if you need help"

"Thanks I'll remember that" a new bright light opens the almost morning sky "Bat signal?"

"It's almost day" I hear footsteps coming close "This must be really important"

"It is" I look at the the cause of the footprints and see Barry "Joker is in a foul mood. It's something about a Harlivy?"

"Stay here" Harley nods and I run out of the room and to the garden seeing Ivy already looking my way "Protocol protect"

"Aye aye captian" she smirks and vines slowly wrap around the area "I'd advise you and the others to get going he might have your man"

I nod and head back inside. I access the batcave and see the others ready inside. I put the suit on with ease and put my cowl on. I start to walk to the bat mobile but get surrounded by green.

"It'll be faster" I'm soon moved into a seat in a green helicopter "Plus we might blend in some"

I smirk at his idea "Smart thinking" I look at the neon green helicopter we are in "Might wanna stay in the shadows more then Mr. Nightlight"

Canary laughs while I get a glare from Lantern. I just keep my face neutral while smiling o the inside. Batman doesn't have emotions and I've already shown too much. Time to be on lockdown.

The sun is rising some when we get to the zone. We stopped by GCPD to inform we were on our way. Jim thinks I'm forming a team. I work alone and that's all it will ever be.

"Let us down behind it" Lantern nods and we land slowly being able to stand on the ground "Flash can you do a run arou~"

"All GCPD are ready to enter and SWAT is with them" I glare at him as he smiles "You wanted to know didn't you?"

"This is why I work alone" I grapple to the top and soon they are up with me "This warehouse is old, one wrong step an~"

"Whoa!" Flash falls through the roof and I sigh "It's empty?"

I drop down and the other two follow. He isn't wrong to an extent. Joker wouldn't just draw everyone here without a reason....did I just see a flash of red? He knows!

"Flash get everyone you can out of here you too Lantern!" I run toward the flashing and pick up the bomb "Al I need batmobile stat!"

"It'll be 20 minutes sir" I see the time on the Bomb that's still wired to five others "How much time do you have?"

"A minute" I turn to my right and see Lantern "Could you surround it?"

"I can try but no guarantee" I nod and starts to put it back when there's a click "Oh come on!"

"You are now a switch" the time on the bomb has stopped "You might have given me some time by accident"

"Then work!" I turn toward him and see the button slowly raising even without him moving "Cause this hole place is about to go!"

I quickly put it down and start looking around. If I time the grapple right we could get blasted out. Flash runs in and I point to Dinah then the door. He nods and rubs her out.

"I'm gonna grab you" Lantern turns to me and I point up my grapple up to the hole "Just concentrate on covering our ass ok?"

"Wait you wanna go on a number or are wEEEE!!" I throw the bomb down grabbing him grappling us up the hole "Dear god you're fucking crazy!"

"Cover!" He turns and neon glows around us as the explosion rocks us out and onto the ground in front of Flash and Canary "3"

"Smart ass" We get up and Lantern gets in my face "We just blew up our only Oliver lead!"

"No" I hold up a note I grabbed from the bomb "That's right here"

'Dear Batsy and Friends,

STOP MESSING WITH MY FUN!!! It was supposed to be hide and seek with Bruce Wayne! But I guess he didn't show for work today or forgot the memo. Now stay out of these Super Brats! Oliver is having an amazing time if you must know...he's all SMILES! Hahahahahahaha!'

"All smiles? That's a clue right Batman? Right?" I don't make eye contact with Dinah "You said I'd get him back! You said I'd get my husband back!"

"It's not a clue but a sign what I need to do" the batmobile pulls up and I walk over "Don't immediately come for me"

-Flash pov-
Batman drives away "What does that mean?" I look at Dinah and Hal. Hal has the same expression I bet I do "What?"

"He's going to find Oliver as Bruce" Dinahs eyes bug out "We gotta think the next move before Joker does and Bruce is believing in us...let's not let him down"

"Let's head to the cave" I nod "Gonna suck breaking this to the old man"

I sigh and turn looking out the ball. I sit and see the sun rising and think. A sun may be rising but darkness is still covering Gotham. But we'll fix it...we have to. For Oliver and Bruce.

"We'll bring them back" I stand up and put a hand out to touch the ball "For Gotham and Star city"

For the people who need them, to stop the villains that will threaten their city, to bring light in the darkness, for hope of a better tomorrow, and...

For us

Not without you {Selina/Bruce} (Gotham) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now