Chapter 25: War part 3

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-Superman pov-
"They are everywhere!" I take a swing at some aliens flying by civilians "We need a way to shut this portal down!"

"I know a way" i look at Batman confused and he shakes his head before moving to fight "I'm under the Washington monument...I'm being held captive...please help"

"Did you all hear that?" I look at Green Lantern and nod "I'll go see if I can save him you guys keep the civilians safe"

"You May need extra muscle" Batman throws the bat metal thing at a alien and takes down 2 others "Wonder Woman go with Lantern and help see where that voice came from"

"Great a baby sitter" Green Lantern flies up "Come on let's go"

"Make sure he doesn't get hurt" Wonder Woman smirks at Batman and nods "Superman stay with me and let's work on keeping the people safe"

"Agreed friend!" Batman sighs and shakes his head before going to save more people "Its better if you just admit it!"

I smile and go back to tracking down the aliens. We make a good team!

-Cyborg pov-
"They seem to be done for" Flash runs over to my father "What did you guys do with that box?"

"It's exploded and made some portal thing!" My dad looks at me with sympathy in his eyes "I'm so sorry son"

"Sorry?!" I step toward him angry "You blew off my game for that stupid box and some alien now I'm a computer man! You don't even know the half of what you need to be sorry for!"

"Hey kid" I look over at the Flash "Thank you for helping me and I honestly am sorry about what happened...but take it from me..a guy who doesn't have his dad anymore...he may have made this mistake but don't hold it over him for forever"

"Fine" I look back at my dad "But for right now I need to go away from you"

"I-I understand" My dad grabs a paper and writes down a address "It's a rental house your mother and I can have it and I won't come until you want me to"

"Thank you" I look at Flash and smile "Thank you too Flash"

"Anything for a future fellow hero" I raise my only eyebrow in confusion "You could do some great work with us kid! Just when you're ready and have everything under control"

"Thank you sir" I take a deep breath "I'm gonna go to my new home...try and figure this all out"

I look at the hole in the ceiling and soon I'm flying into the sky. A future hero...I could do good with this suit. I could be like the flash!

-Green Lantern pov-
"There's nothing here that seems off" I look around the monument getting tired of finding nothing "You got anything Wonder Woman?"

"The voice said under right?" I look at Wonder Woman not liking how this is going "So let's just hit the ground hard!"

Before I can stop her she punches the ground revealing a elevator hole. She looks at me and smiles. This woman is crazy!

"Let's not so that again please" I float over to the hole "I'll go first so we have light or I can make a elevator for us to go down since you punched it to the bottom"

"Second option sounds better" I roll my eyes and make the elevator bottom for us "How do you do that?"

"By concentrating so shut up" I hear her growl and turn away so I sigh "Sorry...I just had a bad day yesterday and it leaked into today"

"If I may ask without ruining your concentration...what happened?" I don't answer immediately and she back tracks "Not that I have to know!"

"My girlfriend dumped me" She makes a oh face and I go on "She said I have been too busy too notice her and she left me and then sent a bunch of rude text this morning"

"So your saving got in the way of your relationship?" I nod and slowly start speeding up the construct up "You're a good man Green Lantern"

"Th-thank you" I smile and notice we are at the bottom floor "We have arrived"

"But there's a huge door here" she tries prying the door open with her sword but it doesn't work "Can you use your ring to open this?"

"Should be able to" I make a battering ram and hold it ready "This should take a few tries"

I hit the door 5 times before it buckled enough to fall over. When we step in we both freeze at the sight. A green alien is chained to a table in the middle of the room. There's wires and technology all around him.

"Why would they do this?" I look at Wonder Woman who looks horrified "Why would they hook this poor alien up like this?"

"They are afraid" we both jump and look at the alien who sounds like the voice we heard "I am J'onn J'onzz..I am a Martian that crashed here chasing one to your planet...but they got me and have been testing on me"

"We will get you out" I fly up to his chains and make a construct of a bolt cutter "Just don't kill me after"

I quickly cut him down and Wonder Woman catches him. I land beside them as she helps him stand. He smiles and I smile back.

"Thank you so much" I shake my head "No I mean could I ever repay you?"

"Help us with these Parademons" His eyes you wide "Do you know about them?"

"They attacked my planet and took my people" Venom laces his words "I'll help you destroy them"

"Thank you" He goes to move out of my grasp and I pull him back "Are you sure you're fit enough?"

"More than" I stands up straighter and I let him go with Wonder Woman "Now let's go beat some Parademons"

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