Chapter 4

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-Bruce pov-
I stand there staring at Jim. He's looking at me waiting for me to explain. I didn't realize I slipped into the Batman voice. I just got so mad it happened.

"Jim" he holds his hand up "Please don't-"

"If you're him" Jim looks around then back at me "You and me are going to be working more close and I'll try holding off bullets when we arrive"

"Thanks" I hold my hand out and he shakes it "But let's work behind closed doors I don't want you fired"

He nods "Agreed" he looks at Selina then me "So she the cat lady or is that someone else?"

"Which one doesn't get her arrested?" He chuckles "I'm trying to turn her around I just need time"

"You love her" He turns back at me "You love her don't you?"

I nod "A lot" I look at her and see her smile and wave "Not gonna take her are you?"

"What kind of friend would I be if I did" I laugh "I gotta go get everything in my life settled take care"

We shake our hands again and head separate ways. I am glad to have him on my side. It's going to help with somethings.

"Hey" I look at Selina "You missed him wake up for a minute then fall asleep again"

"He knows" Selina gives me a scared look "I told him I'm going to fix you and we are going to work together"

"Fix me?" I cringe at the words "Am I just some project for you?"

"No" I put her hands in mine "I meant I'm going to fix Catwoman from burglary to hero"

"What if that's bad?" It's my turn to be confused today "What if this cat and mouse game we play is what is keeping us together? And when it ends so do we?"

"Because I love you" I put one of my hands on her side and the other on her cheek "I will fight anything and anybody to keep you"

"Oh Bruce" she leans up and gives me a kiss "Does this mean I have to return everything?"

"Yes" I laugh when she pours like a little kid "I can but you whatever to replace everything"

"Best way to a girls heart" we both turn to Alfred who's smiling "I think the pain meds they have me on are too strong!"

I laugh "I'll get it fixed" I see him raising a eyebrow and I feel Selina's hand in mine "Oh yes uh"

"Me and Bruce are together" I turn and mouth thank you to Selina "Are you ok with that?"

"Of course Miss Kyle" I chuckle at him being Alfred even while hurt "Does she know about?"

"Yes and so does Jim" I look out the window and see the spotlight "I got to go"

I run out of the hospital and into my car. I kick it into auto pilot and switch into my gear. Tonight isn't over yet. I grapple out of the car that's heading home. I land on the roof and see him.

"Ah Batman you made it" I nod at him to go on "I need your help finding Barbara Kean"

"Hey Jim I..." I look behind me and see Bullock pulling out his gun "What's he doing here?"

"He's on our side of the book!" I look at Jim back to Harvey "He's gonna helps find Barbara"

"I may need him on something else" Harvey brings over a folder with a question mark "Nigma sent this to the station"

"I'll do it" I walk to the edge and look at Jim "If I hear anything about her or see her I'll let you know"

I grapple away and swing toward the address given. It might be a trap but they aren't expecting me. They won't be ready.

I land on top of the warehouse and see Nigma and a lot of gunmen standing aimed at the door. I look around and survey for anything that will set them off to me or if they know I'm here. I see nothing but that doesn't mean anything. I find a vent and go to slide down and get met with a gun.

"Ah the bat is real!" I look at Cobblepot who's smiling "We know you have police coming so we'll let you see them die, kill Kean before Jim, then you after them all"

"You didn't account for one thing Cobblepot" he gives me a confused look "I didn't come with police"

I kick him down the vent and break through the glass top dropping a smoke bomb. I put on my mask and find Kean before grappling her out with the mask. I hide at the of the warehouse on a pillar and watch as they separate into groups.

"GO!" I watch Nigma tell the gunmen to disperse "FIND THE BAT!"

I slowly take out man after man until it's only Cobblepot and Nigma left. I slowly drop down behind them and knock their heads together.

I push on my wrist comm "Gordon" I look up and see Barbara on the roof safe "I found Barb and took down your Nigma problem come to the address everything is ok"

I climb my way up to the top and see Barbara just watching me. She looks tired, scared, and very upset. I grab my grapple and go to take off.

"Wait!" I turn and look at her "What am I gonna do?"

I look around for a ladder but there isn't one. I grab her around the waist and drop her down to the ground. As I drop I see a police car pull up but don't feel right. I attach the grapple back to her and get her back up as bullets fly. I dive out of the way as they shoot at us both. When I hear them reloading I charge and take down one when I feel a gun to my head.

"The boss is gonna love this when we get him out" I hear the gun get cocked "One dead bat out of the way for his Gotham"

"Hey" I hear a whip by my head "Don't you know not to mess with a Cats toy?"

As I turn there is a gun shot and I see Selina shot down. I turn the guy around and punch him down to the ground. I keep going till I feel a force push me off. I look and see Jim standing between me and the guy.

"Hey how about you get Barb down and her out of here" I look at Bullock who's making hand signals to hurry "Now!"

I run and get Barb down then run and move Selina away. I take her to the cave so she doesn't have to deal with all the name dropping. I take the knowledge Alfred has given me to patch her up and get her back.

"Hey bat" I turn and see her eyes open "How are you doing?"

I smile "Just rest up ok" she nods and closes her eyes "I'm gonna protect you from this"

That's a promise there's no doubt I'll keep. Gotham may be falling down but the people I love will not fall with it. Because I am BATMAN!

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