Chapter 21

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-Selina pov-
"You ready for work?" I roll over and glare at Bruce who's smiling "Come on! You've got tons of people waiting for you and Ivy is already awake"

"What about Harley?" Bruce hands me a mug of coffee "That's not gonna be enough"

"Harley doesn't have to get up for another hour" I glare at him as I drink my coffee "You know I love you right?"

"Yes" I stand up and give him the empty mug "Alright lets go give some people second chances"

"That's the spirit" I stand look at him with a pout and he shakes his head "No kiss yet you have morning breath"

"Morning breath huh?" I go to kiss him but he steps back laughing "Come here and take my kisses!"

I chase him around my room and finally catch him. We both laugh and I get my morning kiss. Now today can begin.

"Master Bruce you have a call in your study" Bruce nods and walks out leaving a smiling Alfred "Bruce hasn't laughed and smiled like that since his mother was still here...thank you Miss Kyle for bringing back that young boy I once knew"

"I love being able to break the Batman down into a laughing mess" we both smile until Bruce returns with a frown "What's wrong dear?"

"How do you help plan a birthday party?" Alfred laughs and I try not to "What's so funny?"

"Your inability to be human" Ivy rolls her eyes at Bruce "Why do you need to know about birthdays?"

"Jim asked if Barbara could have her 7th birthday here" Bruce waves his arms around "It is big but he Uh..he said it'd pretty much just be us..she's not liked much by a lot of the other kids"

"Kids can be so mean" I shake my head and look at Bruce "When is it?"

"In a few week" He points at Ivy "Barbara is asking for your help with decorations"

"Ouch that must sting huh kitty?" I glare as she smirks "I'll call Barb when I can"

"Good" Bruce claps "Lets get to work!"

-Time skip-Ivy pov-
"We've had so many people come in that cant do anything or has had to redo their application to fit what they actually can do" I growl and put my head on my desk "When do we get a break?"

"Now" I look up at Bruce holding two takeout bags "Had a meeting with a Chinese restaurant and got some free food"

"I'll be up and down on the toilet later but I don't care" I grab a bag and start eating the noodles when the door opens "Hey we are taking a break"

"Iz thiz uh-Uh Vayne Tech?" A dark haired lady and Man with a accent are standing behind Bruce "Ve hav pointment?"

"Ah yes that's with me up in my office John" the man nods and Bruce points to the elevator "Top floor and talk with my assistant"

They nod and head to the elevator. I look at Bruce confused and he shakes his head. But he looks at Selina and sighs.

"They are acrobats from a circus" I roll my eyes and Selina sighs shaking her head "Barbara doesn't have a lot and as Godfather I wanted to help her have a great birthday...that I can top every year"

"You are crazy" I point at the elevator "Go tell them you're sorry but you can't agree anymore to this"

"They have a small child to take care of" Bruce is looking at the elevator "They need the money and the circus owner owes me so it's free minus what I want to pay them"

"There's the Bruce we know" I look at Selina who nods "Go sign them and well deal with Barb"

"Thank you girls" Bruce smiles and I wave him off "Oh and how's everything going down here?"

"Peachy" He takes that answer and leaves "Are we getting paid for this?"

"I think so" Selina eats her egg rolls before looking at mine "You gonna eat those?"

"I was thinking about it" I see her pout "Fine you can take them if you take something for me later"

"Deal" she quickly grabs them and starts mixing them in weird combinations "Man these are good"

"You know what I'm just gonna ask" Selina raises a eyebrow "Are you pregnant?"

"No!" I've never seen this girls eyes pop out so far "God no..I'm just hungry..not that I'd mind! I mean we haven't talked about kids yet but I'd love one..I wonder if Bruce would too"

"Kidz change everyting" the dark haired lady is standing in front of our desk with a smile "They change it for the good"

"How old is your son?" She holds up six fingers "We have a friend who's daughter is turning 7"

"Yez we perform at birvday" when did this lady come back down? "Hav you zeen a uh bue bag?"

"The one by the door?" She lets out a relieved sigh "You must have dropped it on the way in"

"My l-luck" she smiles and quickly grabs it "Th-thank you!"

"No problem" She heads to the elevator quickly "That lady and man couldn't speak English well"

"Romanian" I look at Selina confused "They are Romanian"

"Ah I see" I think back to the little boy now "They must have had to move here or did to give their son a better life"

"I guess so" The doors open soon "Breaks over"

This better be a better day now.

-Jim pov-
"So what's the word from your friend?" I look at Harvey who's looking around for a wire that might be hidden "Have a new coffee ideas?"

"I already checked everything with some tech from him" Harvey nods and sits across from me "I'll ask if he will tell you after Babs birthday in a few weeks"

"Which is at Wayne Manor" I nod and Harvey shakes his head smiling "How did you get Bruce to agree?"

"He's like a little brother" Harvey gives me a 'no duh look' "and I told him I sighed him as godfather"

"I knew it!" Harvey sighs playfully "Can I get the next one? Or do I have to get a mansion first?"

"Ha ha" We both laugh until a Officer comes in rattled "What's going on officer?"

"Th-th-there was a croc" I look at Harvey's confused and stand up "It ate my partner"

"How hug we talking?" Harvey smiles "5, 7, 9 feet?"

"11 feet standing on its two legs" I look at Harvey then back to the officer "He grabbed my partner and ate him"

"Go file a report to Martinez please" The officer nods and Harvey looks at me "You need to tell that friend of yours"

"Yeah" I pull out the phone Bruce gave me and call "Hey Batman...we have a 11 foot humanoid crocodile problem"

Not without you {Selina/Bruce} (Gotham) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now