The 105th Dossier

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Tributes, this page holds the Biography of each of the 26 tributes in the Games. Read wisely, as these people could potentially be your best friend, or locking blades with you in a sword fight. Knowing your enemy is the first step to beating them.

The bios are in order, starting from Capitol, then going 1-12. It's a very, very long chapter, so get a drink or something. Maybe some music.


Capitol Male
David "Squid" Spencer
Age: 18 y.o

FC: BallisticSquid"I'm not heartless, that's only half true

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FC: BallisticSquid
"I'm not heartless, that's only half true."
Birthplace: Capitol City, Panem.
Backstory: Squid grew up in the Capitol, and it's his home and passion. When he was 15, peacekeepers killed his parents for an unknown reason. Since then, he's lived on his own, and it turned him hard and cold. He hates the peacekeepers, not the Capitol. He volunteered, seeking the chance to live his dream.
Personality: Squid is cold and closed off, not showing any emotions besides anger and annoyance. He's never happy, and it takes something to drastic to make him crack a smile. He talks and smirks, never frowning around people. He refuses to be sad around them, so that they don't try and break through his cold shell. he's had a dream to win the games, and now that he has the chance, he is merciless. He doesn't care who he's killing, and he isn't afraid either. He acts fearless, but internally he's not.
Specialties: Squid surprised everyone with his LRC abilities, and immaculate precision. He's great at climbing, too.
Weaknesses: He's bad with CQC, can't set up traps to save his life, and won't trust anyone, no matter what.
Weapon Of Choice: Bow And Arrow.
Token: He has a pin of a city building, representing his home.
Theme Song: "Explode" by Patrick Stump.
Submitted by -hardcorefxnatic-
Commentary: "I expected nothing less from the Capitol Male. A cold, heartless, and ruthless killer. (Totally not Career's public enemy #1 or anything.., shhhhhh)"

Capitol Female
Cecilia Snow
Age: 12 y.o


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