Sponsor Shop

319 13 153

3/27/20: The Sponsor Shop has closed. Thank you for playing.

Welcome to Awe's Capitol Bazaar for the 105th Games,

     Here you can buy items to assist your tribute(s) in the Games. The currency used is the Capitol Credit, referred to as C.

How do you get them?

Each tribute will gain 1 C to start, and will gain more over time in the following ways:

     - Every new day, they will get a single C for simply surviving. Not each chapter, each day.
- Every time your Tribute slaughters another tribute, you'll gain a single C.
     - When a tribute dies, their amount of credits will be cut in half and left In this chapter for the first person to collect. The other half will disappear. First Come, First Serve on collecting these bounties.

Below are the tribute Balances:

Squid - 0
Cecilia - 1
Raymond - 0
Lucy - 0
Simon - 0
Merryn - 1
Mateo - 0
Raegan - 0
Roman - 0
Mari - 3
Sparrow - 0
Lilith - 0
Zuli - 0
Superia - 0
Cameron - 0
Sera - 5
Sasha - 0
Ava - 0
Flax - 0
Bailey - 0
Stewart - 0
Anna - 0
Charles - 0
Lydia - 0
Jonzh - 4
Bee - 0


     The Sponsor Shop will shut down after the end of the Feast. Prices are now changed, with certain things being discounted and the majority of others raised significantly. Choose wisely.

A changed price will appear like this:
2C (+1), where the +1 indicates the price change from its previous value.

Happy shopping.


Hydrogen Peroxide - 2C (+1)
Used to treat small wounds in which infection could set in. The go-to for a lightly damaged Tribute.
Painkillers - 2C (+1)
Can be used to fight through the pain, or to make being fixed up not such a miserable experience.
Medical Kit - 3C (+1)
Used to treat Tributes who just escaped a fight, and are quite bruised. For Example, Bear Trap wounds.
Anti-Poison - 4C (+1)
The antidote to any poison your Tribute is afflicted with.
MagneCast Kit - 4C (+1)
This is a kit designed to fix broken bones. It's painful as hell, but will put the tribute back in action.
Adrenaline Shot - 3C (+0)
Use this shot to boost your tribute's reaction times for 20 Minutes.


Simple Weapon - 2C (+0)
Get your tribute some arms, even if it isn't much. Provide them with your choice of a Combat Knife, or Dagger.
Ammunition Resupply - 2C (+0)
Resupply your tribute with any arrows, bolts, or throwing knives they need.
Randomized Weapon - 3C (+0)
Get your tribute a respectable weapon, but it's random.
Axes, Swords, Bows, Shields ^
Weapon Of Choice - 4-5C (+0)
Sponsor your tribute with their weapon of choice. Price depends on rarity.
Price Ranges:
4C - Serrated Knives/Daggers, Standard Swords and Axes, Blowgun
5C - Anything Else - Bow, Crossbow, Specialty Swords (Dual Edged, Dual Bladed and Broadsword), Specialty Axes (Lightweight, LFT1), Shotel, Haladie, Spear, Shurikens, Poisonous Blowgun, Kukri

Special, Capitol Procured Weapons. Only 2 will be in the games, and they can only be sponsored, not found. Strategizing for these is a pretty good play.
*3/7/20: Two in play at once. Took a while for someone to bring it to my attention lol.
2/2 IN USE:
Raegan's PDG (Out of Play)
Merryn's Gyrosword (In Play)
Cecilia's PDG (In Play)

Personal Defense Gauntlet "PDG" - 4C (+0)
A band which wraps around the wrist that can both concuss and flash enemies. Compact, but takes a while to recharge each ability.
Air Strike System "ASS" - 6C (+1)
Launch an air strike onto any part of the arena, launched from the station in Reinebringen. 24 hour recharge time.
Gyrosword - 7C (+1)
A dual-bladed sword, which in addition, can be spun like helicopter rotors at a deadly pace. Very Lethal in disciplined hands. Essentially, a seasoned user of a Dual Bladed Sword would have a field day with this one.
F-Shield Mk.6 - 9C (+2)
A homage to the weapon that destroyed the Stevens' Bay Arena in IHG3. It's an energy shield that will reflect any object with 99% of the force with which it impacted the shield. Is more compact, making it have to be surgically used. Has battery life that can run out.


Survey Drone - 2C (+1)
Control a small, quad rotor drone with a live camera feed. Great for scouting out an area.
Advice - 3C (+2)
Give your tribute custom advice in the arena.
Proximity Alert - 1C (-1)
Notifies your tribute of the nearest enemy tribute, and their location.
Concussion Mine - 2C (+0)
A device that detonates upon trespassing. Concusses the perpetrator for 10-15 seconds. Useful for trapping, or protection during sleep.
Food - 2C (+0)
It gets your tribute by a day.
Water - 2C (+0)
It gets your tribute by a day.
Capitol Hunger Games Dinner - 4C (-2)
One of the most expensive sponsors in the game. Your tribute gets a fully customizable 3 course meal, with a choice of Wine, Vodka, or Champagne for a drink. True madlads only.


Standard Map - 1C (+0)
Map that displays your tribute's position in the arena.
Treasure Map - 1C (-1)
Map that shows where to find your tribute's weapon of choice in the arena. Note that if it was tampered with, this map isn't real time.
Locator Map - 4C (+2)
Shows you and two tribute's instantaneous location of your choice on a map.
Advanced Locator Map - 6C (+2)
Shows each and every tribute's instantaneous location on a map.

That's the shop. Good luck.

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